Signs & Points
Diagnostic Tests
GI Medications
More Medications
These meds & lifestyle behaviors cause GI disturbance
What is aspirin, sulfa, NSAIDS, hypertensive meds, laxatives, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, weight and stress?
This is bluish discoloration (ecchymosis) of the peri-umbilicus area.
What is Cullin's sign?
These foods are prohibited 2-3 days before obtaining a stool for occult blood.
What are red meat, poultry, fish, turnips, horseradish, iron, ascorbic acid and anti-inflammatory agents?
These medications are given for GI or GU incontinence and can cause dry mouth, constipation and urinary retention.
What are anti-cholinergics such as atropine, scopolamine, lomotil, & oxybulynin (ditropan)?
This antiemetic is a prokinetic agent which increases upper GI motility and is useful for clients receiving chemotherapy or have GERD or diabetic gastroparesis.
What is reglan?
This is the correct order in which to perform and abdominal assessment.
What is inspection, auscultation, percussion and palpation?
This is the sign of abdominal rebound tenderness.
What is Blumberg's sign?
This test requires the client to take in a deep breath & hold still as the physician inserts a biopsy needle into their liver.
What is a percutaneous liver biopsy? Complications: bleeding, bile peritonitis, pneumothorax and bladder trauma. The client must lie on their right side for 2 hours and bedrest is needed for 24 hours.
These medications cannot be given with other meds, are given 1 hour ac, 3 hours pc and at hs. The client needs to drink water after taking to assure the medication gets into the stomach.
What are antacids? Aluminum cause constipation (ac) Magnesium cause diarrhea (md) so alternate them
These laxatives are helpful for constipation or diarrhea, used with diverticuLOSIS and can cause intestinal obstruction if they are not taken with adequate water.
What are bulk laxatives such as metamucil, Fiber-con, or Citrucel?
This condition causes visible peristaltic waves and hyperactive bowel sounds initally, above the problem and absent bowel sounds below the problem. Eventually, all bowel sounds are absent.
What is a bowel obstruction?
This is bluish discoloration (ecchymosis) of the flanks & sides of the abdomen d/t retroperitoneal bleed
What is Grey-Turner's sign?
This test involves the insertion of a needle into the peritoneum with aspiration of ascitic fluid which can be sent to lab for analysis.
What is a paracentesis? Complications include hemorrhage, intestinal perforation, hypovolemic shock from fluid shifts and bacterial peritonitis.
This drug is mixed with water to make a "slurpy" and coats the stomach mucosa, protecting ulcers from hydrochloric acid.
What is the Pepsin Inhibitor: Sucralfate (Carafate)
These drugs are used to reduce inflammation and can cause sodium and water retention, hyperglycemia, immunosuppression, GI bleeding, weight gain, osteoporosis, changes in body image and psychosis.
What are steroids?
These are loud, gurgling, splashing sounds heard over the large intestine as fluids and gas pass through it.
What is borborygmus?
This sign is seen when you ask the patient to breathe out and gently place your hand below the right costal margin and instruct client to inhale. *If they stop breathing before completing inhalation d/t pain this sign is positive and is present in cholecystitis.
What Murphey's sign?
This radiographic test requires the client to be NPO after midnight, assessment for allergies to iodine or contrast dye, assessment of renal function and holding metformin (Glucophage) for 48 hours after the test.
What is a CT of the abdomen?
This prostoglandin E analog decreases stomach acid, increases mucous production and increases blood flow and is given when the client has long term NSAID use to prevent ulcers. The client should use contraception to avoid pregnancy with this drug because it causes cervical ripening which can result in early labor, miscarriage.
What is Cytotec?
This drug is given to clients with cirrhosis and causes them to have frequent bowel movements to decrease the absorption of protein (which breaks down to ammonia).
What is Lactulose?
This condition can cause abdominal pulsations & abdominal pain and hypertension is a risk factor for this condition.
What is abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)?
This location is 1/3 distance from the right iliac crest to the umbilicus.
What is McBurney's point? (Location of appendicitis pain)
This test can be given by swallow or enema and requires the administration of a laxative afterwards
What is a barium study (swallow or enema)?
These drugs are given for nausea and can cause extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) such as restlessness, anxiety, and spasms of hte face and neck.
What are dopamine antagonists such as phenergan, compazine and inapsine? You can treat EPS with ativan or benadryl. Prevent complications of antiemetics by alternating the one you use.
Clients with liver cirrhosis produce too much aldosterone causing sodium & water retention and loss of potassium. This worsens their FVE & third spacing. This drug is given to block the effects of aldosterone.
What is Aldactone?