Everything Telamon

Under which tab can you find Staff Online Resources?

Other Staff Resources


Can my Work Experience (WEX) Participant Receive Needs Related Payments?

No. Work Experience participants are considered employees of Telamon/Transition Resources Corporation and therefore are not eligible to receive Needs Related Payments (NRPs). A Participant must be unemployed and in a Training Service to qualify for Needs Related Payments. A WEX is an Individual Service.


What is Telamon's mission?

 Our mission is to provide educational services that lead to better jobs, better lives, and better communities. 


What does NFJP stand for?

The National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)


What does OST stand for?

Occupational Skills Training  


Where can you find new updates regarding FCES System



How does a participant receive their weekly Needs Related payment?

NRPs are issued via direct deposit payments into the Participant’s bank account from our Corporate Accounts Payable department. It is the Career Advisor’s responsibility to have the Direct Deposit documentation completed and sent to CustomerPayments@telamon.org prior to the first 326 Service Request and Approval being completed.


How many States does Telamon Serve?



What is NFJP?

The National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) is a nationally-directed, locally-administered program of services for migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their dependents.


Where should a payment request for tuition/books be submitted? 

If payment is required for books or tuition, then a Payment Request should be completed along with a voucher to be submitted to customerpayments@telamon.org for tuition. Normally, a Credit Card Usage Form will be required if books/required material are to be purchased and a voucher will need to be completed, also.


What is the new 010 Service?

Services 008, 013, and 014, the Release of Information, Complaints Procedure and Babel Notice have all been deactivated and are now combined into one service, 010 Telamon WCS Application Compliance Documents.


What is the maximum and minimum amount of assistance for needs related payment?

• The maximum NRP is $150.00 per week for all States/Regions;

• The minimum NRP is $50.00 per week for all States/Regions.

What are Telamon's three lines of  business? 

•Early childhood and family support programs

•Workforce and career services

•Housing and financial empowerment


Who qualifies for NFJP Services?

To qualify for services from NFJP, on the date of application, an individual must be: 

A. Either a(n):

 ▪ Eligible seasonal farmworker adult;

 ▪ Eligible migrant farmworker adult;

 ▪ Eligible MSFW youth;

 ▪ Dependent Adult of an MSFW; OR ▪ Dependent Youth of an eligible MSFW. 

AND B. A low-income individual who faces multiple barriers to economic self-sufficiency


What is a training provider?

Any individual, partnership, corporation, institution, organization, state agency or local government agency who provides an accredited training course. This includes but is not limited to high schools, vocational schools, community colleges, technical colleges, 4-year universities or institutions, apprenticeship programs, and other private schools.


How often should follow-ups be completed?

Follow-ups must be made on monthly basis and case note must be created. 


Are Needs Related Payments only offered for participants in an Occupational Training?

No. Full-time, unemployed students who are participating in Basic Skills Trainings, such as General Equivalency Diploma (GED) classes, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes—or other training services can receive NRPs as long as all other requirements are met.


In what year did South Carolina become the next state to receive farmworker employment and training services through MSFA.



What is the Eligibility Determination Period for NFJP?

To determine an applicant’s farmworker status, grantees must use any consecutive 12-month period within the 24-month period immediately preceding the date of application for NFJP by the MSFW applicant.


What is a supportive service?

Supportive Services are available to Participants.

Supportive Services may include, but are not limited, to the following:

→ Linkages to community services; → Assistance with transportation; → Assistance with child care and dependent care; → Assistance with housing; → Needs-related payments; → Assistance with educational testing; → Reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities; → Legal aid services; → Referrals to health care; → Assistance with uniforms or other appropriate work attire and work-related tools, including such items as eyeglasses, protective eye gear and other essential safety equipment; → Assistance with books, fees, school supplies, and other necessary items for students enrolled in postsecondary education classes; → Payments and fees for employment and training related applications, tests, and certifications


Under which tab can you manage a provider?

Services for Workforce Staff


When should the Needs Related process be initiated?

The Needs Related Payment process must be initiated after the completion of an Individual Employment Plan (IEP) or Individual Service Strategy (ISS). The IEP or ISS will identify an education and employment goal and illustrate the need for the subsequent Training Service. The IEP or ISS will also explain how the Needs Related Payments will enable the customer’s participation.


What are the states where Telamon Serves?

North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia


How does NFJP define Farmworker Status?

The following definitions are used to define farmworker for purposes of eligibility [WIOA sec. 167(i)]: 

• An eligible seasonal farmworker is a low-income individual who o during the 12-consecutive month eligibility determination period, has been primarily employed in agricultural or fish farming labor that is characterized by chronic unemployment or underemployment; or o faces multiple barriers to economic self-sufficiency. o Dependents of seasonal farmworkers are also eligible.

 • An eligible migrant farmworker is a seasonal farmworker or his/her dependent whose agricultural labor requires travel to a job site such that the farmworker is unable to return to a permanent place of residence within the same day.

 • Eligible MSFW youth means an eligible MSFW aged 14-24 who is individually eligible. 

• Dependent Adult or Dependent Youth (aged 14-24) means an individual who is a dependent of an eligible MSFW.


What are the seven steps to complete OST process?

1. Enter Service in FCES (300 or 416) – Participant and CA sign PDF Version of activity. This is not a one-day service. 2. Complete the Skills Training Agreement and Customer Statement of Understanding – Participant, Parent/Guardian (if applicable), CA, PM/DD sign. 3. Obtain copies of registration and/or Classroom schedule 4. Obtain copies of invoice and/or Student Account Summary 5. Obtain copies of Financial Aid, if applicable 6. FERPA is completed and signed by the Participant and parent/guardian, if applicable. (Some institutions may require us to use their form, in this case a Telamon FERPA form is not required) 7. Print and sign Sponsorship / Promise to Pay letter and send to Training Provider (if applicable or required by institution)

Items 2-7 should be combined into one pdf and uploaded to the service with the file named as- OST Dates of Contract_First Initial Last Name_MMDDYY and linked to the service in FCES with a case note and an upload. The FERPA should be uploaded by itself and named ex. FERPA 2022 J Doe 07112022. This document should also be linked to the OST service.
