What is the road LG lives in?
Rabbit Hollow Rd.
What was Grace's Favorite dinner growing up?
What is Sebastian's Favorite Drink?
Who was Emersyn's first concert?
Ariana Grande.
How old was Ava when she got Bebe?
9 months (<1 year old).
Growing up, what profession did LG want?
Animal Groomer/Caretaker.
As a younging, what would grace do if she got mad while playing games?
Throw a remote at you.
Sebastians YT channel is titled what?
What was Emersyn's original motivation for going back to meetings?
Had a Crush.
Despite what she says, who was her first crush?
Johnnnyyyyyyy link.
Lauren doesn't like this healthy food...
What is Gracie's Favorite JW Song?
Song 135 (Jehovah's Warm Appeal: "Be Wise, My Son").
Where is Sebastian's favorite place he has traveled to?
Who is Emersyn's First Celebrity Crush?
Adam Levine.
When Ava was younger, she drew what kind of pictures?
Very small ones
What type of Truck does LG drive? (Make, Model)
Nissan Frontier.
What's Graces favorite type of dance?
How many relationships was Set in before finding the perfect person in the whole world (Emersyn)?
6 Relationships..... hoe >:(
What is the longest Emersyn has gone without Pooping?
2 Weeks, 3 Days.
When Ava was 2, what happened when she fell off bleachers at Masons baseball game?
She bit a hole through her tongue.
Lauren was a poser for years.. what was she saying?
That she could skateboard.
What is the Scar on Gracies nose from?
Falling @ Mimi's and then falling off her bed.
When Sebastian was a child, his favorite toys were...
Which of Em's eyes has the worse vision?
What ride did Ava go on in Disney that shocked my parents? (She was only 5/6 yrs old)
Rockin' Rollercoaster.