What does BPM stand for
Business Presentation Meeting
What step is the Presentation Step?
Step 3
If a new business partner gets a fast start, how long should it take to complete the 8 speed filters?
Within 7 days
Can you explain the SOD?
Scenario of Disaster
Your enthusiasm creates curiosity, they ask questions, you attempt to answer those questions, and yours answers are wrong, they jump to conclusions, and the result is failure.
What does COI stand for?
Center of Influence
What does BFS stand for?
Business Format System
How do you become a captain?
TEN guest show up to a BPM.
When we say complete the AMA, what does that entail?
Associate Member agreement, background check, code number
What are the three areas of prospecting?
Warm market
Friendship borrowing or referrals
Friendship farming
What do the 8 pointers help with when you are creating your top 25?
Getting you in the right market
What is ETHOR best used for?
Approach and contact, the help me script
_______ steps and _________ speed filters
SIX steps and eEIGHT speed filters
What is the 8th speed filter?
Field training
Explain 10-3-1 to us.
For every 10 people you invite, 3 show up, and 1 signs an AMA
Sales, teachers, enthusiastic, ambitious, and money motivated
In the acronym STEAM the M stands for what?
Money motivated
During the 8 speed filters do we go over business plans?
How many referrals should you get from a client?
Minimum of 8-10
What is a flamingo?
One leg four deep
When you are friendship farming, what acronym works best to turn strangers into friends.
List all 6 steps in order
Approach and contact
List all 8 speed filters in order.
Stay after BPM
Pick up information
Commit to follow-up appt
Complete AMA
Develop prospect list
Go on field training
List the eight pointers?
25 +, married, dependent children, homeowner, solid business/career background, dissatisfied, and entrepreneurial.
Fill in the blank:
You are always ___________ recruit away from on explosion.