This person has on a bright pink shirt and black hair
Who is Elly?
The most popular sport across the world.
What is soccer?
What has four legs but can't walk?
A table
What number is 6 less than 2?
This staff is wearing a scarf?
Who is Ms Keane
These 2 kids have the same face but not the same name.
Who is Jezelie and Aleisha
A sport with a bat and ball in which a successful batter hits the ball and runs around the bases to score.
How do you make seven even?
remove the (s)
$5.30 - $3.15 = ?
This staff is the boss UNDER Ms Steph..
This kid is named after ___ and the Wonderland.
Who is Alice?
This sport includes a ball and pins
What is Bowling
What starts with the letter P ands with the letter E and has a 1000 letters in it?
Post Office
60 - 40 = ?
This staff is the tallest.
Who is Mr Andrew
Who is Misha
This sport is played with an oval ball and involves touchdowns.
A butcher in the store is 5 feet and 10 inches tall. What does he weigh?
He weighs meat
The "product" is the answer to a multiplication problem. What is the product when you multiply twelve and three?
12 x 3 = 36
This staff usually sits at the front desk in the afternoon.
Who is Ms Mel
These 2 kids have the same birthday and last name but not the same First name.
Who is Lola and Maya Damon
A sport in which athletes perform flips and tricks on parallel bars and beams.
What is gymnastics?
Take off my skin, I won't cry but you will what am I?
What is an Onion
What is the seventh number in this sequence? 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, ......
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, (21)
This is the youngest staff member..
Who is Ms Emily?