What must always be carried with the group and contains first aid supplies and emergency cards?
The group backpack
What should every parents be doing upon coming to Drop-off/Pick-up their children?
Signing the child in and out on the attendance sheet
What are staff required to wear when going on out trips with the camp group? why is this important
BGCA provided clothing to help public and children identify you being associated with the group if anything goes wrong
Who are we licensed by?
Island Health
Through looking at the children's E-Cards
What form is completed when a major injury requires first aid?
Internal Report
What needs to be done before children go to play outside/ on any equipment
Playground check
What do you need to do if you're feeling unwell and won't be able to make it to your shift the following day
You need to notify your site manager first by 6pm the evening before. If no response reach out to other managers until a response if given.
What is the ratio for our younger age group? (K-1)
What are some boundaries/expectations that staff can set for the children?
-Noise level
-Use of toys/equipment
-Physical boundaries
-Toys from home
-How they treat others (kindness, respect and safety)
What is the Acronym for treating sprains?
Rest: Have the child rest comfortably.
Immobilize: Keep the injured area as still as possible.
Cool: Cool the injured area for 20 minutes of every hour.
Elevate: Raise the injury, as long as it does not result in pain.
If a child is missing, what is the first thing a leader should check?
Check the attendance sheet to confirm who is missing
When and Who should you be sending your timesheets to?
Timesheets are due 10AM on Thursday, March 27th to Kiana.
When should an internal report be completed?
when there is a major injury, incident, behavioural incident, for property damage, or illness.
How long are staff breaks?
30 mins
When do you consider a child having a fever?
Anything over 37º C (98.6º F). This is normal body temperature.
What is the procedure when a child isn't picked up on time?
If a parent/guardian has not picked up their child by 5:30 pm:
Attempt to make contact with parents/guardians, or other approved pick-up persons.
If authorized pick-up persons are unavailable and parents have not contacted the program within 30 minutes of the program ending, a manager will contact MCFD.
Staff will wait with the child until the situation has been resolved.
Inform the site manager.
When should the opening shift be taking their break at the latest to ensure ratio is maintained throughout the day for following breaks of staff?
When reporting an incident with more than one child involved, how do you hold confidentiality within the report?
Leaving the children's names out of report and replace with (Child 1, Child 2 ect..)
What method should leaders use when walking with the children?
Sandwich method
When should 911 be called when a nose bleed won't spot? (what other aspects should be considered)
Call EMS / 9-1-1 if the nose has not stopped bleeding within 15 minutes.
However, keep in mind that it depends on how much blood the child is losing and whether or not it is a regular occurrence.
A person comes to pick up a child that staff don't recognize, what should you do.
-Check E-card for authorized pick ups
-Ask for ID
-Contact Parents of child for approval
When should staff consider the act of duty to report?
Staff have the duty to inform in cases where there is a risk of harm to a child.
A child sustained an injury during camp that may require them to seek additional medical attention, What report should be written up?
Internal first about the initial incident by staff they witnessed it. Then if needed a reportable incident will be written up by management.
How can staff better prepare children for smoother transition periods?
-Letting the group know the plan
-Giving multiple transitions