Laws and commands
Random Romans

The covenant with whom did God remember in Exodus 2:24?

His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob.


Why should the Israelites not mistreat of oppress a foreigner?

Because they were foreigners in Egypt (Exodus 22:21)


What was the name of the place the Israelites first camped after leaving Egypt?

Sukkoth (Exodus 12:37)


During the Plague of Blood, how long did the water remain turned to blood, and what specific impact did this have on the Egyptian economy?

The water remained turned to blood for seven days. This not only made the water undrinkable but also killed the fish in the Nile, which was a significant blow to Egypt’s fishing industry (Exodus 7:24-25)


According to Paul, when does circumcision only have value?

If you observe the law (Romans 2:25)


Who were the two who conspired to assassinate King Xerxes and what was their position?

Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's officers who guarded the doorway (Esther 2:21)


Name the 3 times Israel is supposed to appear before the Lord (festivals)?

Festival of Unleavened Bread

Festival of Harvest

Festival of Ingathering


Where did Mordecai learn of the plot to kill King Xerxes?

While he was sitting at the king's gate (Esther 2:21)


What did the magicians tell Pharaoh after they felt to produce gnats?

"This is the finger of God" (Exodus 8:19)


What did Adam's disobedience bring to all?

Sind and death through sin (Romans 5:12)


Who was Aaron's wife?

Elisheba (Exodus 6:23)


Besides the Israelites, what and who else gets rest on the sabbath?

Animals (ox, donkey), slave, and foreigner + land every 7th year (Exodus 23:12:10-12)


Where did Israelites go after Marah and what was at that place?

Elim, where here were twelve springs and seventy palm trees (Exodus 15:27)


What was the precise wording God used to predict the timing of the Plague of Hail?

God told Pharaoh through Moses that He would send hail "at this time tomorrow" (Exodus 9:18)


What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers according to Romans 8:26-27, particularly in relation to prayer?

The Holy Spirit helps believers in their weakness by interceding for them with groanings that words cannot express, aligning their prayers with God's will.


Who did Esther summon to find out what was troubling Mordecai and why?

Hathak, one of the king's Eunuchs assigned to attend her (Esther 4:4)


What do you shall not covet according to the 10th commandment?

Neighbor's house, wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor (Exodus 20:17)


From Jerusalem all the way around to where did Paul fully proclaim the gospel of Christ in Exodus 15:19?



In the Plague of Frogs, Pharaoh asked Moses to intercede with God to remove the frogs. What specific day did Moses say the frogs would leave?

Moses gave Pharaoh the honor of choosing the day and Pharaoh requested that the frogs leave "tomorrow" (Exodus 8:9-10)


What is the symbolic significance of baptism, and how does it relate to Christ’s death and resurrection?

Baptism symbolizes death to sin and new life in Christ, as believers are buried with Him in death and raised to walk in newness of life, just as Christ was resurrected (Romans 6:3-4)


What was the name of the father of Bezalel?

Uri (Exodus 31:2)


How much do you have to pay back if you steal an ox or a sheep and slaughters it or sells it?

Five times for the ox and four times for the sheep (Exodus 22:1)


What was the name of the place where the Israelites camped before crossing the Red Sea. Between which two places was this place and which place was directly opposite?

Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, directly opposite Baal Zephon (Exodus 14:2)


What unique feature of the Plague of Darkness differentiated it from natural eclipses or dust storms?

The Plague of Darkness lasted for three days and was that can be "felt". Unlike natural phenomena, this darkness only affected the Egyptians, while the Israelites had light in their dwellings (Exodus 10:21-23)


In Romans 15:9-12, Paul quotes four different Old Testament passages to demonstrate God’s inclusion of the Gentiles. Can you identify which books (chapter + verses) these quotes come from, and how do they support Paul’s argument?

Psalm 18:49 (Romans 15:9)

Deuteronomy 32:43 (Romans 15:10)

Psalm 117:1 (Romans 15:11)

Isaiah 11:10 (Romans 15:12)

These quotes support Paul’s argument that Gentiles were always part of God’s plan for salvation.
