The name of the first 5 books:
What is the Torah.
Rahab's profession.
What was a harlot.
Abimelech killed how many of his half-brothers:
What is 70.
Only female judge of Israel:
What is heart.
The 12 tribes of Israel required two kings when they split off into two houses, which are called:
House of Judah and House of Israel.
The major prophet Isaiah foretells of the Messiah, saying, “For unto us a _____ is born, unto us a son is given...”
What is a child (will take a son).
The feast day when there is shouting and blowing of trumpets:
What is Day of Trumpets.
Tetragrammaton of LORD:
Name the first 5 books:
What are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
What is a scarlet cord.
The judge who told the secret of his strength:
Eve's real name:
What is Chavah.
Who is King David.
In 722 BCE, the House of Israel was carried away into captivity by whom?
Who were the Assyrians.
The major prophet Jeremiah foretells of the New Covenant in Jer 31:31, saying, “...I will make a new _______ with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah.”
What is a covenant.
The feast day when Israelites are called to afflict their souls:
Day of Atonement.
Number of wives and concubines of the "wise" Solomon:
What is 700 wives and 300 concubines.
The Mishnah (oral law) and Gamara (commentary on the Mishnah) is compiled into one book called:
What is the Talmud.
Baal is this:
What is a Pagan god.
Ehud was a left handed judge who left his dagger where?
What is inside the body of the fat king.
Jael used this tool to kill Sisera.
What is a tent peg or spike.
What Solomon was known for:
What is wisdom.
In 586 BCE, the House of Judah was carried away into captivity by whom?
Who were the Babylonians.
Ezekiel foretells of a new heart in 36:26-27, saying “A new _____ also will I give you…and cause you to walk in my statutes...”
The Bible feast where the death angel passes over.
What is Passover.
Who is Cain.
Definition of Torah:
What is instruction.
The people of Jericho blew trumpets and did this to get the walls of Jericho to tumble down.
What is shouted.
The judge who laid out a fleece:
Who is Gideon.
He wouldn't go to war unless Deborah went with him.
Who is Barak.
First 3 kings of the united kingdom of Israel:
Who are Saul, David, and Solomon.
All of the kings over the House of Israel started and ended evil, except for one who started good.
Who was Jehu.
Hos 4:6, saying, “My people are destroyed from lack of ________…because you have ignored the law of your God
What is knowledge.
Feast of Tabernacles is believed to be whose birthday?
Who is Jesus.
The sign that God would never flood the earth again:
What is a rainbow.
Name the 3 parts of the TeNaK:
What are Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim.
The two that Rahab lied to save.
Who are the spies. (other relevant answers will count)
The cycle of Israel - They served God, then served the gods, then were taken as slaves, then what (3 more things):
What was cry, God would lift up a judge, they would be delivered.
Watched her bathe.
Had relations with her.
Got her pregnant.
Called her husband home from war to lay with her.
Killed her husband.
The last judge of Israel who anointed the first king.
Who is Samuel.
There were a few of the kings over the House of Judah that started and ended good. One of those kings was whom?
Who was (Asa, Jotham, Hezekiah, or Josiah).
Joel 2:28 said, "...I will pour out my _______ on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy..."
What is spirit.
In the New Testament, Jesus was crucified on what feast?
What is Passover.
The father of Ham, Shem, & Japhet:
Who is Noah.