In what generation were baby Pokémon introduced?
Generation 2
Which Pokémon is known to be very dapper?
Dapper Mudkip, yes indeed, tophat monocle tophat monocle.
What is Michael at MandJTV’s least favourite Pokémon?
Miltank, for obvious reasons…
Which powerful Pokémon trainer did Professor Oak once date?
Agatha, of the Kanto Elite Four
Which region had the most legendary/mythical Pokémon introduced?
Until which games would poison kill you out of battle?
Sinnoh games, specifically Diamond and Pearl.
When the Gen 5 starters were leaked online, what was Snivy’s placeholder name?
Which Pokétuber says, “Soar high, Pokémon masters!” at the end of every video?
Bird Keeper Toby
Which Pokémon is thought to be the first?
Which Pokémon was the first created by Satoshi Tajiri (the creator of Pokémon)?
When was the Fairy Type introduced?
Generation 6/Kalos
When was the “Lord Helix” Pokémeme created?
During TwitchPlaysPokémom/2014
Who is the hottest Pokétuber?
Michael (from MandJTV)!!!
When Mega Mewtwo was first revealed (before Megas existed), what did people think it was?
What is the most popular Pokémon (based off of a survey in Japan)?
Dedenne… apparently.
At the beginning of which generation did the Physical/Special split happen?
Generation 4
What real world game did the Pokémon Rowlet become a meme version of?
Russian Roulette, this was known as Russian Rowlet
Which four Pokétubers have made fan regions whcih are all connected (name one)?
Lockstin, HoopsandHipHop, Gruegreen7 and Bird Keeper Toby
How many universes are there in the entirety of the Pokémon franchise?
Infinite, one fore every game copy, one for each new Ash in the TV show and multiple in the manga and other Pokémon media.
Which Pokémon has the most forms?
Spind, because of it’s over 8 billion different pattern possibilities.
In what generation were the Dark and Steel Types added?
Generation 2/Johto
How does Brock use his frying pan?
As a drying pan!!!
Which Pokétuber has the most subscribers on YouTube?
Folagor03, I guess (never heard of him)…
What Pokémon is canonically the most powerful?
Arceau, the god of all Pokémon
Which Pokémon has the highest base stat total?
Eternamax Etrrnatus, it’s over 1000!