Peas and Things
Race for Jeans (sponsored by Levi's)
The DNA is replicating!!
RNA is Out of Control
Who Knows...

Mendel used the garden pea as his experimental model. Give 4 reasons why.

1.) They were used in previous genetic studies

2.) They are small and easy to grow

3.) They are self-fertilizing

4.) They contained several traits that could be tracked (7)


Five scientists are often credited for their formative work in the race for the discovery of DNA structure. Who are these five individuals?

Rosalind Franklin, Linus Pauling, James Watson, Maurice Wilkins, and Francis Crick.


DNA polymerase 1 is present in what main step of DNA replication.



For termination of MRNA synthesis to occur, what structure forms? (Bonus 200 pts)

How does this form? A hairpin loop. G-C rich region many H-bonds connects forming the hairpin loop.


What year was intagram invented



At Hogwarts, students in the Care of Magical Creatures class are examining genetic inheritance of Hippogriff traits. A Hippogriff with grey feathers breeds with a Hippogriff that has brown feathers. They produce offspring who all contain both brown and grey feathers. What type of inheritance is this?



What causes Trisomy 21? 

Nondisjunction during Anaphase 2 causes the sister chromatids to separate improperly, resulting in an extra chromosome 21


What way is DNA read? What way is DNA synthezied?

Read 3'-5'. Synthesized 5'-3'.


In order to turn DNA into MRNA what enzyme must bind and what subunit of this enzyme is responsible for binding?

RNA polymerase, the sigma subunit recognizes promoter site and makes sure RNA polymerase is in the correct position.


This singer holds the most Grammy nominations



What does the 1:2:1 ratio describe?

The 3:1 ratio?

Explain the difference between the two.

1.) genotypic ratio of a monohybrid cross between 2 heterozygotes. 

2.) phenotypic ratio of a monohybrid cross between 2 heterozygotes.

3.) genotype: the combination of alleles (not observable), determines phenotype

phenotype: physical expression of alleles (observable)


What are Erwin Chargaff's 2 rules? 

1.) The proportion of guanine is equal to cytosine and adenine is equal to thymine. 

2.) The ratio of G-C to A-T varies with different species.


The lagging strand is synthesized in parts called ___ ____.

Okazaki Fragments


In eukaryotic MRNA transcription, the differences are…

3RNA polymerases, each with a different promoter, Transcription factors are necessary to bind to the promoter before RNA polymerase binds, termination not as well defined, Primary transcript-mature mRNA, mature mRNA has 5’GTP cap and 3’ poly A-tail, and in mature mRNA the introns removed by spliceosomes.


Largest desert in the world?

The Saharah desert!


There is a family of 5 with 3 children. The tallest child is 6'2", the shortest child is 5'9", and the last child is 5'11". The mom is 5'6" and the dad is 6'. Considering that environmental factors only account for a small amount of difference in height, what can account for the variability in height amongst the children?

Polygenic inheritance


Hemophilia is a sex-linked recessive trait. A woman has hemophilia, but her husband does not. The couple has a daughter. Will the daughter have hemophilia? If they have a son, what is the chance the son will have hemophilia?

No, the daughter will not have hemophilia. 100% chance the son will have hemophilia. 


What is the central dogma of biology?

DNA -transcription-> RNA -translation-> Protein


What components are required for translation.

mRNA (messenger/template), tRNA (transfer/brings AA), ribosome


The process of _________ allows DNA to compactly fit into cells. If stretched out completely, a single strand of human DNA would be about _____ ft

Supercoiling, 6.56 ft (2 m)


Cystic fibrosis is inherited recessively. Carly (10 years old) has cystic fibrosis, but neither of her parents do. As a result, Carly often experiences trouble breathing, a frequent cough, and has a difficult time gaining weight. From this information, answer the following questions:

1.) Describe the parents' genotype(s)

2.) What is the chance that Carly will have another sibling with cystic fibrosis?

3.) What can account for Carly experiencing multiple symptoms from Cystic Fibrosis? 

1.) heterozygous

2.) 25% chance

3.) Pleiotropy


Look at the image drawn on the board and answer the follow questions:

1.) Is this an example of DNA or RNA? How do you know?

2.) What are the 2 nitrogenous bases? Are they purines or pyrimidines?

3.) What connects the C3 of the top ring to the C5 of the bottom ring?

1.) RNA -- extra OH group on C2

2.) Top: Cytosine (pyrimidine), Bottom: adenine (purine)

3.) Phosphodiester bond


Which of these would be the leading strand and the lagging strand?

Left - leading

Right - lagging


What occurs during elongation of translation?

After ribosome assembled (initiation), elongation factor binds to ch-tRNA and GTP, bringing them to the empty A site (aminoacyl). Anticodon on tRNA is complimentary to the codon of mRNA in site A. peptidebond forms between p-a (peptidyl transferase). Ribosome Translocates, now empty tRNA in E, growing chain in P, A is empty. E site ejected, continues by brining in more tRNA anticodons and growing the peptide chain


What country is both an island and a continent

