Bye-Bye Bias
Logical Fallacies 1
Logical Fallacies 2
Logical Fallacies 3
Logical Fallacies 4
Slanters 1
Slanters 2
Darling Definitions

Making an argument whose conclusion is based on an unproven assumption.  Similar to "circular reasoning".

Example:  The law should be obeyed because it's the law.

What is begging the question (petitio principii)?


The use of a highly connotative word or phrase to name or describe a subject or action.

What is Labeling?


The use of language to imply that a particular inference is justified, as if saying “go ahead and read between the lines!” In this way, the speaker doesn’t have to actually make a claim that can’t be supported; instead, the audience is led to make the leap on their own.

What is Innuendo?

Example: I'd do some research before traveling in Eastern Europe 
[implying that Eastern Europe is generally dangerous].

Note: This is not true!!  That's why it's a great example!  :-D

Plovdiv, Bulgaria


A mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.

What is a euphemism.

Example: Mary's uncle passed away last week.


L______ L________ describes words or phrases that imply more than their literal meanings. It is used to elicit a strong emotional response, whether positive or negative, from the reader or listener.

What is Loaded Language?


The substitution of a disagreeable, offensive, or disparaging expression for an agreeable or inoffensive one.

What is a Dysphemism?

Example: He ate the whole cake. What a pig!

(Note pronunciation: DIS fem ih zuhm --
the same stress pattern as "euphemism")


Latin for "to the man".

An arguer who uses this logical fallacy attacks the person instead instead of the argument.

Example: If you weren't so ignorant, you'd be better debater.

What is ad hominem?


The use of a figurative comparison (sometimes a simile or a metaphor) to convey a positive or negative feeling toward the subject.

What is Rhetorical Analogy?

Example 1: Venice is like a fairyland.

Example 2: She reminds me of the Energizer Bunny....


The use of emotionally charged language to express or elicit an attitude about something. A classic example is defining capital punishment as "government-sanctioned murder".

What is a Rhetorical Definition?


R________ E_________: when an opinion is expressed as if it were fact and is expressed in biased language. 

Example 1 (negative): He cried like a baby. 

Example 2 (positive): He was not afraid to show emotion.

What is a Rhetorical Explanation?
