God Reveals
Old & New Testament
The Bible is...
The Gospel
Reading the Bible

When God reveals Himself in nature, what type of revelation do we call it?

What is general revelation?


The number of books in the Old Testament.

What is 39?


What is the term that means the Bible is without error? (Starts with I)

What is inerrant?


What is faith without works?

What is dead?


When we read the Bible and gain a proper understanding of our sin, then we should read the Bible with a heart that is H___________. 

What is humbly or with humility?


When God reveals Himself in His Word, what do we call it?

What is special revelation?


The number of books in the New Testament

What is 27?


What does it mean when we say that the Bible is written by God and that He used men moved by His Spirit to write His words down? (Starts with I)

What is inspired?


Who has sinned and deserves God's wrath?

Who is everyone?


Many people cannot understand the Bible, and you will not either unless you approach God's Word P_________ by asking Him to help you understand and believe.

What is by prayer or prayerfully?


What is the first main part of human history that God reveals first in His Word?

What is Creation?


The total number of books in the Old & New Testament.

What is 66?


When we talk about the Bible being true and our authority, and we affirm that it is unfailing in what God purposed. (Starts with I)

What is infallible?


What two things are necessary for salvation?

What are faith and repentance?


When we read the Bible, there is a clear understanding that God is in charge. People want to change the meaning of the Bible to say things it doesn't say - these are false prophets. We should S__________ to God's authority and to what he has commanded us.

What is submit?


The second part of human history is revealed just after the first (within a couple of chapters in Genesis). It brought a curse to mankind. What is it?

What is the Fall?


The Old Testament can be divided into categories; what category do we normally call the first five books of the Old Testament?

What is the Law?


When we say that the Bible is all that is needed to reveal God's will for mankind - about salvation and godly living, we mean that the Bible is S_________.

What is sufficient?


We are saved by G________ through faith, not by works.

What is grace?


The Bible is different from any other book in the world. Isaiah 40:6-8 tells us "...the word of our God will stand F____________."

What is forever?


What is the main focus of God's revelation to us?

What is Jesus Christ and His work of redemption?


The New Testament can be broken up into categories; what are the first four books of the New Testament called?

What are the Godpels?


The Bible is A_______ because it can judge our hearts and expose our sin, and for this reason, we need to approach the Bible reverently. 

What is alive?


James tells us that Christians will W______, and Paul tells us that Christians are not saved by W________.

What is work?


The Bible is written to bring God G_________ and H_________.

What is glory and honor?
