Who was the first submariner?
I was asked to curse the children of Israel but I couldn't do it. My donkey was given the power of speech for a short while
Noah's ark stopped on this mountain/s
A. Mount Olives
B. Mount Zion
C. Mount Ararat
D. Mount Sinai
C. The Ararat Moutain range
How many kings rules Israel before it was divided?
How old was Methuselah?
969 years old
who was the first Astronaut?
I was the first Gentile to get baptized!
Where did Solomon build the Temple of the Lord?
A. on Mount Zionin
B. the city of Jerusalemat
C. Jerusalem on mount Moriahin
D. Bethlehem
C. Jerusalem on mount moriathin.
"I will lure Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, with his chariots and his troops to the Kishon River and give him into your hands" (Judges 4 v. 7). Sisera was to experience one of the more unusual deaths in the Bible. How did he die?
He had a tent peg driven through his skull
Acorrding to the bible how many pearly gates are there?
I was never born but died twice!
Adam and Eve.
I was sent to take a letter to the apostle Paul. He chose me to accompany him through Syria and Cilicia on his missionary work. In Philippi I was thrown in prison. Paul left me in Thessalonica when he was in fear of his life and later I joined him in Corinth.
In what Greek city were followers of Christ first called "Christians"?
Who were the first to die for Jesus?
The children of Bethlehem!
How old was David when he began his reign?
who was able to see through Wood or tree stump?
I was the first prophet in the bible!
The death of Lazarus and his being raised from the dead by Jesus is told in John 11: 1-44. In which community did this miraculous event take place?
Where is the "Street called Straight"
How many philistines did Samson kill with a jawbone?
how many time did Moses lead the Israelites around the walls of jericho?
Whom did Paul hand over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme?
a. Demetrius
b. Elymas
c. Patroclus
d. Hymenaeus
D. Hymenaeus
In different places in the New Testament, reports are given of Jesus calming a storm on a body of water. (My favorite account is the one from Mark 6: 45-51.) What's the name of the body of water?
Sea of Galilee
Who buried the body of Moses?
the Lord
How long were the Israelites in captivity by Egypt?