what swallow Jonah ?
A big Fish
How many book are in the new Testament
There are 27
In what language was the Old Testament written?
What was the first plague the Lord sent on Egypt
Water turned into blood
What was the name of David’s father
who was the king at the time when Daniel was thrown into the lions den
King Nebuchadnezzar
On what day did God create people
He created people on the 6 day
From which part of Adam’s body did God create Eve
On what mountain did Moses receive the law from God
Mount Sinai
Which prophet secretly anointed David as king
How many book are in the old testament?
the old testament has 39 books
How were sins forgiven in the Old Testament?
Animal sacrifice
What was the name of Abraham’s nephew
Who did Samuel anoint as the first King of Israel?
What is the last book in the Bible
True or False
Daniel ate from the king table after being captured
False, he ate fruits and vegetables
How many ‘minor prophets’ are there?
12 minor prophets
What did God ask Abraham to sacrifice to him on Mount Moriah
His only son
How did David defeat Goliath
He threw a stone from his sling
What four books tell about Jesus life on Earth
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
In what city was Jesus born
he was born in Bethlehem
Who wrote the first five books of the Old Testament?
Moses wrote them
What was the name of Joseph’s youngest brother
What did Joseph’s brothers do to Joseph?
They sold him into slavery.
Which book did Jesus directly write?