1.Who was the man that god sent?
Answer john
.Jesus replied _________________
answer. My hour has not come yet.
How can some one be born when they are ________
ansewer old
.Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a _________
answer drink
were was jesus born?
ansewer bethlahem
For the law was given through moses______ and ________came through jesus
Answer grace and truth
.His mother said to the servants ________________________
answer do whatever he tells you.
You are __________ teacher,” said Jesus
answer israel.
You are a _____
ansewer jew
why did jesus die for us?
ansewer to pay for our sins
Jewish leaders sent who to ask John who he was.
Jewish leaders sent who to ask John who he was.
.Nearby how many water jugs were there?
Answer 6
For ___ so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
ansewer god
________ Jesus replied,
answer women
how many days did it take for god to create the earth?
ansewer 7
The next day John was with how many disciples?
Answer 2
Jesus said what to the servants?
Answer: fill the jars with water.
So he left _________and went back once more to Galilee
Answer judea
Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you_________
answer i am me
who were the first people to live?
ansewer adam and eve
.When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him______________________________
answer. They have no more wine.
10.there was a Pharisee, a man named__________
answer Nicodemus
It was about _________
answer noon
how many animals did noah get of each?
ansewer 2
what is the last book in the bible?
ansewer revalations