What is the last book of the Old Testament?

구약성서의 마지막 책은 무엇입니까?

1) Malachi / 2) Zechariah / 3) Revelation 4) Micah

1) Malachi


Smart! What was the first talking animal in the Bible?

성경에서 처음으로 말하는 동물은 무엇이었나요?

1) Human / 2) Serpent / 3) Bird / 4) Fish

2) Serpent


Bravo! What comes after a trillion?

1) Billion / 2) Quadrillion / 3) Quintillion / 4) Googol

2) Quadrillion


Who is the only person in Genesis recorded as living less than 120 years?

창세기에서 120년 이하를 산다고 기록된 유일한 사람은 누구인가?

1) Isaac / 2) Jacob / 3) Joseph / 4) Moses

3) Joseph


Joyful! How should we treat those who are our enemies, according to Jesus?

예수님 말씀에 따르면, 우리의 원수인 자들을 어떻게 대해야 합니까?

1) Hate them with righteous anger / 2) Show your enemies the love of God / 3) An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth / 4) Love your enemies, bless them that curse you

4) Love your enemies, bless them that curse you


What comes before Romans?

로마서 앞에 무엇이 있을까?

1) 2 Corinthians / 2) Acts / 3) Galatians / 4)John

2) Acts


Unbelievable! What is the first color mentioned in the Bible?

성경에 언급된 첫 번째 색은 무엇입니까?

1) Black / 2) Blue / 3) Green / 4) Yellow

3) Green


Incredible! How many edges does a cube have?

큐브는 몇 개의 모서리를 가지고 있나요?

1) 4 / 2) 6 / 3) 8 / 4) 12

4) 12


Who is the only woman to have her age, death and burial mentioned?

누가 있는 유일한 여자로 사망과 매장 언급한?

1) Ruth / 2) Sarah / 3) Rachel / 4) Mary

2) Sarah


Intelligent! What commission did Jesus initially give his disciples?

예수는 처음에 그의 제자들에게 어떤 임무를 주었는가?

1) Go forth and preach throughout the whole land / 2) Go ye into Jerusalem / 3) Go into the cities of the Samaritans / 4) Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel

4) Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel


What comes after Philippians?

빌립보서 다음에는 뭐가 나오나요?

1) 1 Thessalonians / 2) Ephesians / 3) Colossians / 4) Galatians

3) Colossians


Astonish! Who was the first person recorded as getting drunk?

누가 처음으로 술에 취한 것으로 기록되었나요?

1) Noah / 2) Lot / 3) Pharaoh / 4) Reuben

1) Noah


Awesome! What shape is a stop sign?

정지 표시는 어떤 모양입니까?

1) Hexagon / 2) Trapezoid / 3) Octagon / 4)Parallelogram

3) Octagon


Who had his hair cut only once a year?

누가 그의 머리를 1년에 한 번밖에 깎지 않았습니까?

1) Naaman / 2) Absalom / 3) Judas / 4) David

2) Absalom


Amazing! Why did Jesus tell us to lay up treasure in heaven?

왜 예수님은 우리에게 보물을 하늘에 두라고 하셨을까요?

1) For where your treasure is, your Father knows about it / 2) For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also / 3) For where your treasure is, your hope and faith are too / 4) For where your treasure is, the focus of your life is centered

2) For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also


What comes after Jeremiah?

예레미야 다음으로는 뭐가 있지?

1) Lamentations / 2) Isaiah / 3) Daniel / 4) Ezekiel

1) Lamentations


Who was the first king of the southern kingdom of Judah?

유다의 남쪽 왕국의 첫 번째 왕은 누구인가?

1) Uzziah / 2) Ahaz / 3) Asa / 4) Rehoboam

4) Rehoboam


Who gave the Statue of Liberty to the US?

누가 자유의 여신상을 미국에 주었는가?

1) England / 2) Mexico / 3) France / 4) No one-it was made in USA

3) France


Who is the only man described as naturally bald?

자연 대머리로 묘사된 유일한 남자는 누구인가?

1) Daniel / 2) Isaac / 3) Lazarus / 4) Elisha

4) Elisha


What does Jesus say someone who wants to follow him must do?

예수는 자기를 따르려는 사람은 어떻게 해야 한다고 말하는가?

1) Deny himself, take up his cross, and follow him / 2) Have a righteous heart and mind, and do the will of his Father / 3)Leave friends and family behind and sell all their possessions / 4) Read the scriptures daily, and apply them to your life

1) Deny himself, take up his cross, and follow him


What comes three books before Proverbs?

잠언의 세 권 전은 무엇인가?

1) Job / 2) 2 Chronicles / 3) Esther / 4) Nehemiah

3) Esther


What is the first jewel to be listed that was on the high priest's breast plate?

대제사장의 가슴판에 기록된 첫 번째 보석은 무엇인가?

1) Jacinth / 2) Topaz / 3) Jasper / 4) Sardius

4) Sardius


In what city did jazz music start?

재즈음악은 어느 도시에서 시작되었나요?

1) London, England / 2) New York, New York / 3) New Orleans, Louisiana / 4) Charleston, South Carolina 

3) New Orleans, Louisiana


Who is the only woman we hear of reigning as queen regnant in Israel or Judah?

이스라엘과 유다의 여왕으로 군림한다는 소식을 들은 여자는 누구뿐입니까?

1) Bathsheba / 2) Athaliah / 3) Hephzibah / 4) Jezebel

2) Athaliah


Say my last name 10 times right after you hit the bell!

Sheen x10
