What was the name of the disciple who followed Jesus in the lesson 2 weeks ago?
When can we pray?
Any time
How many brothers did Joseph have?
How many disciples did Jesus have?
Who were the first man and woman?
Adam and Eve
What was his occupation before following Jesus?
Tax collector
Do we have to use special words to pray?
What gift did Joseph's father give him?
A coat of many colors
What is a miracle Jesus performed?
healing the sick
raising the dead
Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of _____.
Where did Matthew invite Jesus for dinner?
His home
What does it mean to pray for "our bread for today"?
To pray for the things we need today
What country did Joseph get taken to as a slave?
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the _____?
What animal tempted Eve to disobey God?
a snake (serpent)
Jesus said the ______ need a doctor
the sick
What does it mean to be a hypocrite?
To say one thing but do another
Whose dreams did Joseph interpret?
The pharaoh
Jesus said, I am the light of the world, ______ me."
What did Eve eat that God told her not to eat?
Fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Which people were unhappy about Jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners?
The pharisees and religious leaders
2) asking
Saying sorry
Why did Joseph's brothers come to Egypt?
There was a famine and they needed food
Jesus is the son of ________.
In the beginning, God created __________.(Genesis 1:1)