This part of Mass is used by the Priest to try to teach about the Readings and Gospels
The book of the Bible in which we hear about God sending the 7 Plagues.
These names of these 4 books, written by the 4 closest people to Jesus, are the beginning of the New Testament
The Gospels
Turning water into wine
Jesus is placed temporarily in this “box” - which is also located behind the altar.
God sent the 10 plagues to the pharaoh of Egypt because he would not allow people from this country to depart from slavery.
Israel / Israelites
These Gospel writers are considered to be Jesus’s closest friends.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
This is Apostle denied Jesus three times on one of the last days before Jesus was killed.
Jesus performs a miracle in front of the Pharisees, they became enraged at him because he worked on this day- a “Sacred day” for the Pharisees.
The Sabbath
The amount of times the alter server rings the bells as the Priest holds up Jesus during the Eucharist Prayer.
3 rings
This first plague resulted in the waters of the Nile River to turn to this, which also has numerous different types.
According to Jesus, we as Christians are supposed to love with all of our three things.
heart, mind, and soul
At the last Supper, this Man washed the feet of others.
In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus drives out 7 demons out of a woman, this same woman was one of the people that was at the crucifixion of Jesus.
Mary Magdalene
This is the special Mass the night before Easter in which typically takes 3 - 4 hours and includes First Communion, Baptism, and Confirmation.
Easter Vigil
One of the plagues turned the whole country of Egypt into darkness, for this amount of days.
This big and strong man helped Jesus carry His cross to Golgotha.
Simon the Cyrene
“Best friends” of Jesus were a hand selected crew, this is the amount of them, often found in the number of eggs.
Jesus feeds 5,000 people with this amount of loaves of bread and fish.
5 loaves and 2 fish
As Catholics, this is the point of the Mass where we declare our Catholic Faith through a saying we are stand and say at the same time.
Nicene / Apostle Creed
There were 4 different types of animals sent as part of a plague, name at least one.
locusts, flies, gnats, frogs, wild animals, lice
This king ordered the slaying of male children because he was afraid of the infant Christ.
King Herod
Ironically, this amount of the twelve Apostles were named James
This is the body of water Jesus walked on, and NO it was not in Minnesota where there are 12 inches of ice to walk on.
The Sea of Galilee