What happened on the 7th day?
God rested
Eve was made out of what part of Adam?
his rib
the number of years that has passed since the city of Jerusalem has been destroyed
What country was Joseph taken to be a slave?
During the time of Noah, how long did it rain when God flooded the earth?
40 days and 40 nights
Who was Abraham's wife?
What would come first - 7 years of plenty or famine?
Who was the first man to be murdered?
How many chapters are in the book of Genesis?
What was the special gift that Joseph was given by his father?
A coat of many colors?
Who was Joseph's younger brother?
the first huge job in rebuilding the temple
laying the foundation
What did God do at the Tower of Babel?
Confused the languages
What was Zechariah's purpose?
to encourage the Jewish people
What should be the foundation of our lives?
What were the names of Adam and Eve's sons?
Cain & Abel
What was Haggai's purpose?
To scorn the Jewish people
this is the only way for a Christian to be happy and blessed
trust and obey God
Who was called of God to leave Babylon and go to Israel to teach the Jews?
Ezra, the priest
What was created on Day 3?
Land & plants
After the Jews saw Ezra weeping, what did they do?
repented and returned to God
Who did Satan use to discourage the Jews from rebuilding the temple?
The Samaritans
Name the two prophets that God chose to encourage the people to begin building again
Haggai & Zechariah
Why didnt Ezra ask for soldiers to protect him and other Jews on their journey?
So the king wouldn't think that Ezra's God wasnt strong enough