The earth was ______ and _______
Formless and empty
What did Cain and his wife name their child?
Enoch, Elijah, Shem, or Ham
What was the tower called that the people were trying to build?
Tower of Babel
Where did God give the 10 commandments to Moses?
Mt. Sinai
For how many days did the water flood the earth?
150 days
Whose wife said to curse God and die?
Job’s wife
What was the name of the woman judge who led Israel to victory?
Miriam, Hannah, Deborah, or Ruth
How many days did the army march around the Jericho walls?
7 days
Which book of the Bible mentions to remember your creator in the days of your youth?
What did king Nebuchadnezzar make for them to worship?
An image of gold
How many generations are there in each one from Abraham to David, David to the exile to Babylon, and from the exile to the Messiah?
14 in each one
Who was the person who defeated the Midianites with only 300 men
Which book of the Bible mentions that by faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did?
In the book of Ruth, who was the one that lost her husband and sons?
How many shekels of silver did they tell Delilah that each ruler would give if she found out the secret to his strength?
1,100 shekels of silver
Which book of the Bible does it mention the birth of Samson?
Which book of the Bible has the verse that says, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
Which book of the bible does it mention submitting ourselves to God?
Who was the person who hid two spies?
Why was Jonah angry?
He knew that God was gracious and compassionate
Slow to anger and abounding in love
Relents from sending calamity
What chapter in Matthew does the Bible mention all 12 disciples?
Who was the one that told Jesus that he doesn't need to go to his house to heal their servant?
A centurion
There are 10 commandments, say only the four you have not mentioned
The woman who touched the edge of Jesus’s cloak was subject to bleeding for how many years?
Where did Jonah flee to instead of doing what the Lord sent him to do?