Who is Jehova?
God the creator of evrything even us!
Who is Lot?
He was a man who was kind to angles and he angels told him he had to leave becuase the city was going to be destroyed and to not look back.
Who is Rahab?
She hid the spies from the guards and then had faith and put a red string out her window and she survived.
What happened with Samuel?
He heard someone saying his name and though that it was Eli but if was god who had a message for him?
What happens to Sanson after being betrayed?
They take his eyes aout and make fun of him and tie him between 2 pillars.
Who is Jesus?
God son who died for us.
What happened when Lot and his family were leaving?
Lots wife looked back becuase she missed the material things and turned to a statue of salt.
Who was Ana and why was she sad
Ana was a kind hearted woman but she couldnt have kids and Penina, the other wife of her husband woul make fun of her becuase she could.
What was the message that god had for Samuel?
God needed for Samuel to tell Eli that his sons were misbeehaving and they were going to be punished.
What happens when Sanson is made fun of?
He prays for god to give him back his strenght and kills everyone including him.
What did Noah have to do to survive?
He had to built a giant Ark.
What does Lot story teach us?
We shouldnt worry for the material things the isr thing should be God.
What was Sansons girlfriend name?
What promise did Jefte make.
If god helped him in battle the fist person to go greet him he will send them to serve him for life.
Who was Deborah?
She was a profeth of Jehova who helped prepare for battle.
Who was Job?
He was a man with a lot of faith but the devil wated to test him so he did horrible things to him such as killing his sons and giving him Lepra.
Who is Joseph?
Joseph was the favorite son and he was sold by his brothers to Egypthians.
What made Sanson super strong and how could he loose that strenght?
Sanso was super strong thanks to Jehova and he would loose that strenght if he cutted his hair.
Why was Jefte promise so hard to do?
The first person to go greet hims was his only daughter.
Who was Jael?
She was a brave women who killed Sisara with a tent pin and stabbed into his head
How many people survived in the Ark?
What lesson does Jospeh lesson teach us?
To always have faith in Jehova since he will always protect us if we have faith.
How was Sanson dumb?
He told Dilila that if he cut his hair he would loose his strenght.
What lesson does Jefte teach us?
To keep our promises.
What does Deborah and Jael teach us?