This man from the land of Ur was elected to be the father of Israel.
Who is Abraham
These two opposites were created on the first day as .
What is day and night
In the simplest of terms the reason God created the the garden was for this.
what is so that he and man could dwell together
As God recreates or restores Eden the tabernacle becomes sacred in the sense that it is _______?
What is the place where heaven and earth meet or where God dwells upon the earth
In choosing Sarah to be the mother of the child of promise God includes this particular gourd of people
who are the old
This man along with his family was elected to survive a catastrophic flood and continue the human race.
Who is Noah
This was created on the second day and was placed above and below.
What is water
Male and female he crated them in order that they might.
What is bear the image of God
Moses was elected to make this out of Abraham's descendants.
What is a Nation or the Nation of Israel
In choosing Jacob to inherit the double portion of his father's blessing God shows an affinity for this particular group of people.
who are the young
This chosen Son was the child of the promise and Ishmael's younger half brother
Who was Isaac
what is rested
All creatures were created and give this command.
what is be fruitful and multiply
In Recreation, instead of merely one or two people, God is making a nation of people that belong to him in order to do this.
what is to fill the earth with his presence
In choosing Moses to be the leader of his people as they are delivered out of Egypt with a mighty hand God show regard for what kind of people?
What are sinners (Moses murdered an Egyptian)
This man was chosen to lead Israel out of bondage in Egypt.
Who is Moses
On the fourth day, God created these, one to rule the day and one to rule the night.
What are the Sun and the Moon.
As image bearers, man and woman would act in this role in God's cosmic temple?
What are priests.
The tabernacle being decorated with Gold signifies that God is this to Israel?
What is a king
In the NT the chosen people of God are not thus because of ethnicity but because of this
what is faith in Christ
This youngest son received his Father's birthright by deceiving his Father with the help of his mother Rebekah.
Who was Jacob
On the third day the garden was made green with this creation.
What is vegetation.
The trees in the midst of the garden were there with a purpose of reminding Adam and Eve of their freedom to do everything but this?
what is decide what was good and evil for themselves.
In the story of recreation and its ultimate end, this person with become both the new Adam and the true Israel.
who is Jesus
God has chosen that he will reveal himself to the world using these primarily
who are people