What sort of person was Simon?
He was a Pharisee
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
Those who wanted to would be pushed to learn more, and to harden the hearts of those who didn’t
What happens to the seed that falls on the soil full of thorns?
It gets choked by the thorns
Why didn’t the farmer want the workers to take out the weeds right away?
It might pull out the good plants at the same time
What was the name of the man with many demons who was healed by Jesus?
What were two normal ways to be a good host to a visitor to your home?
Greet with a kiss, wash their feet
What is the seed in the parable of the sower planting seeds in different soils?
The Word of God
Who are the people who fall amongst the thorns?
Their faith is distracted by things like worries and wealth
What is?
The field?
The wheat?
The enemy?
The weeds/tares?
The harvest?
The world
The believers
The unbelievers
Judgement day
What happened to the demons who were sent out of Legion?
They went into the pigs nearby and jumped off a cliff and died
Why didn’t Simon like the woman doing these things for Jesus?
She was a public sinner
What are people like when they are the seed on the path?
The Word does not grow, but snatched away by Satan
What happens to the seed that falls on the good soil?
Grows and produces fruit
What do we learn from the parable about the dragnet?
The believers and unbelievers will be separated at Christ’s coming
What was the name of the man whose daughter was raised from the dead?
What was Jesus teaching with the parable of the two men who were forgiven different amounts of money?
He who is forgiven more loves more
What happens to the seed that falls on the rocky/thin soil?
Starts growing quickly, but dies when the sun comes out
Who are the people who fall on the good soil?
The true believers, who show fruit
What do we learn from the parable of the mustard seed and leaven bread?
The kingdom of heaven starts small, but will grow
Name the 3 disciples who witnessed the miracle of Jairus' daughter
Peter, James, and John
What did that say about Simon?
He had not been forgiven much
What are people like that fall on the rocky soil?
Rejoice to hear the gospel, but fall away when life is difficult, as with persecutions
What happened to the field in the parable of the wheat and the tares?
The good seed was filled with weed seed by an enemy
Why did the man sell everything he had to buy the field?
He had to have that treasure
What happened to the woman who had been sick for 12 years when she touched Jesus garments?
She was instantly healed