What was his first miracle?
The transformation of water to wine at a wedding.
How many plagues did moses give to pharaoh to warn him to let his people go?
10 Plagues
How many people entered the ship?
Bonus 100 points:How many children did noah have?
8 people
3 children
Who was mordecai to esther?
A cousin
What instrument did David play on?
Bonus 100 points:Who did David defeat in the war?
A harp
How many disciples did Jesus have?
Bonus 100 points:Where was he born?
12 disciples
How many brothers did moses have in the palace?
1 brother
How many pairs of each animal did noah bring along on the ship?
2 pairs of each animal
What was esther's real name?
Who was David's best friend?
How many years did he live on earth before dying?
33 years
How many siblings did moses have in his biological family?
Bonus 100 points: What was Moses's Wife's name?
2 sibling. Miriam, and Aaron.
What kind of bird does noah send out?
A dove
Who was the enemy of mordecai?
Who did David marry as a gift from the king?
Bonus 100 points:Who ruled after David?
Who was his favorite disciple?
Why did Miriam get leprosy?
She helped Aaron gather the jewelry to make the golden statue for the people to worship when Moses was on the holy mountain.
How many days and nights did noah sail on the ship?
40 days and 40 nights
What god did Esther's people believe in?
Bonus 100 points:What was Esther's father's name?
Jesus the son of God.
Who did David fall in love with?
What were all the disciples names?
Simone/Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bartholomew, Mathew, Thomas, James, Simon Zealot, Judas, and Judas Iscariot.
How many days and nights did moses travel with his people to the promised land?
40 days and 40 nights
How many years did noah live?
950 years
What was the king of persia's name?
King Ahasuerus/Xerxes.
Why did Saul decide to kill David?