A system of government in which citizens vote directly for or against particular laws, officials, measures, and so on.
What is "subsidiarity" and how should it affect our involvement in politics?
It claims that it's wrong for a "larger or higher association" to step in and try to fix a problem when an institution closer to the issue can act. It should affect our involvement by us thinking if it is our place to step in, and we should fix things in our community that we can so that the government does not have to step in.
Each governmental unit operates inside certain boundaries.
How does God's nature influence politics through equality?
It influences it because we are all made equally in the sight of God and are all His image bearers. Which then forms the idea for the Christian approach to democracy.
Without a fixed standard for what is right and wrong, _______tend to look to outcomes rather than inputs to decide what to do.
A system of government in which citizens elect agents to represent the interests of those who elected them.
Define totalitarianism.
A highly centralized system of government in which the state retains the exerts complete authority over its citizens and seeks to regulate every aspect of peoples lives.
Marxism views the government as a concession to humanity's sin nature
How do we decide the proper balance between the spheres?
1. Family is responsible for forming stable marriages and providing for and educating children.
2. Church is responsible for interpreting God's word and disciplining people to obey in every area which Jesus Christ has authority.
3. Government has two God ordained tasks: protect the innocent and punish the guilty.m
A true leader doesn't power and lord it over other. He
Be interested, be involved, be informed.
What is a good citizens
Define metanarrative.
A single,overarching interpretation, or grand story, of reality.
The church should stay out of politics
False. The church needs to stay a part because it has a role to help the state be the state.
Are Christians ever justified in breaking laws they are convinced are unjust?
Yes, if it goes against what God says then we are not to do it, because we are supposed to obey God rather than man.
________ is biblical.
A belief formulated by Abraham Kuyper asserting that God ordained certain spheres of society, such as family, church and state, and that society functions best when each sphere is properly managing its own area of responsibility
Define Pan-Islam.
The Belief that all Muslims should be united under a single Islamic state; the belief that the world should be united under a global Islamic state.
The Bible says we do not need the government.
False. We need the government, not to keep people in line but to free them to flourish.
How does Secularism view government?
Secularism believes that we should have government and they view it as something that is good. They also see it as the solution, and they long to unite the nations to create "a new world order"
A ______ can survive the miseries of corruption,violence, and crime, but if the family falls apart, societal collapse is inevitable.
An economic system based on governmental or communal ownership or the means of production and distribution of goods and services.
What is socialism?
Define Mosaic Law.
The set of laws God gave Moses and the Hebrews following their exodus from Egypt.
Other worldviews think that Christianity should have a place in the government.
False. Other worldviews think that Christianity should mind their own business and stop meddling in politics.
What are 5 biblical values to apple to our world today?
1. Wealth creation over wealth redistribution.
2. Accountability and transparency: Truth over falsehood.
3. Justice: The rule of law over the rule of people.
4. Property rights over the rule of people.
5. Hope over fear: Openness versus defensiveness.
____ is a comprehensive reality, a form of government as well as a religion that's governed by sharia law.