How many pairs of every kind of clean animal did Noah Take on his ark (bible gateway)
After Jesus was arrested which apostle disowned him 3 times (bible gateway)
Where was Jesus baptised (brain)
The Jordan river
After Jacob wrestled all night what was his name changed to (bible gateway)
Where did Mary and Joseph flee with Jesus when an angel warned them Herod would try to kill the child (bible gateway)
Who baptised Jesus (brain)
John the Baptist
What is the name of the garden in which the tree of ife was planted (brain)
when did the new testemant take place (brain)
First Century AD
what day did God create men (brain)
The 6th day
When God created the first man what did he create him from (brain)
Dust from the ground
What language of the books were the new testemant originally written in (brain)
how many sons did Jacob have (bible gateway)
12 sons
Who was the only queen to occupy the throne of Judah (bible gateway)
Queen Athaliah
Jesus healed the mother in law of which apostle (bible gateway)
What was most of the old testemant written in (brain)