This leader of Israel is one of the main heroes in the Bible. _________ rise to fame began when he was just a lad after he killed Goliath the giant claiming the victory in the name of the God of Israel.
Under God’s direction, D______ sent for Barak, son of Abinoam, and told him to go against the king of Canaan. Barak refused to go unless ______ went with him. It was _______ faith that bolstered Barak before the battle and that’s why she’s a Bible hero.
Old Testament
An angel placed God's seal on the foreheads of people who were faithful servants of God. How many people received the seal?
144,000 (Revelation 7:4)
Which celestial bodies did Joshua command to stay still?
The sun and moon
This leader of Israel is one of the more familiar heroes in the Bible. The first five books of the Bible, as well as, a number of psalms were written by this man who spoke with God face to face (Exodus 33:11)
Her story is told in just a few verses but it’s a powerful one (Acts 9:36-42). Tabitha, also known as ______, was a humanitarian of the early church. She loved the poor and did much for them until the day she died.
1 Corinthians
New testament
What is the message of the story of Jonah?
God's love and compassion for all His people, pagans and Gentiles as well as His Chosen People
Which Babylonian emperor let the Israelites return to their homeland?
Emperor Cyrus the Great
This is one of my favorite Bible heroes. We first meet _______in Numbers 13:6 when he’s listed among the leaders who were selected to survey the Promised land. The next time we saw C_______, he was standing with Joshua against the ten spies who claimed that the Israelites could not prevail against the people of the land (Numbers 14:6-10).
This young Jewish girl who became the queen of Persia is a stalwart hero in the Bible. _______ risked death when she approached the king unbidden. She pleaded for the lives of her people and saved them from the annihilation that was planned by Haman, the enemy of the Jews.
Old testament
Who is the first apostle to join Jesus?
Peter and Andrew (Matthew 4:18-19)
How many books did Paul write in the Bible?
13 of the 27 books of the New Testament were reportedly written by Apostle Paul, and he played a huge role in the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Like Caleb, _______ stood against the ten spies who insisted that the people of Canaan could defeat the people of God. Joshua succeeded Moses as leader of Israel and went on to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.
In any day and age, it takes courage to be a parent. ______accepted the honor and challenge of being the mother of our Lord. When she said yes to God, she didn’t know if Joseph would stand beside her while she carried what would have looked like a child conceived out of wedlock (Matthew 1:18-2:23, Luke 1:26-2:50).
Mary, the mother of Jesus
Old testament
What tribe is Paul from in the Bible?
Benjamin (Romans 11:1, Philippians 3:5
What was Daniel’s punishment for praying when it was not allowed?
He got thrown into a lion’s den
A man with strong faith, Daniel refused to stop praying to God when the king gave a decree, which landed him in the lion’s den.
This hero of the Bible is best known for his efforts in interpreting the Pharaoh’s dream and putting plans in place which saves a lot of people including his family.
This nameless hero of the Bible had had powerful faith that inspired the people of her time in a way that stretches through the ages. After 12 years of suffering, she believed that if she could just touch the hem of Jesus’s garment she would be healed (Matthew 9:20–22, Mark 5:25–34, Luke 8:43–48).
The woman with the issue of blood
New Testament
Who is the 13th tribe of Israel?
Only 12 Tribes of Israel (Exodus 1)
Which well did Abraham and Abimelech fight over?
Beersheba is a large city in Israel, but the well Abraham and King Abimelech fought for also had the same name.