Persuaded Samson to tell the secrets of his strength
Who is Delilah?
The fat king of Moab
Who is Eglon?
Good Job
Good Job
Sisera was killed with this
What is a tent spike?
Received his land inheritance first
Who is Caleb?
Ruth's son, Obed, was his grandfather
Who is King David?
Double up
Double your points
The name of the woman who judged Israel
Who is Deborah?
Concealed the spies
Who is Rahab?
Naomi's kinsman who married Ruth
Who is Boaz?
Naomi changed her name to Mara which means
What is bitter?
The first judge of Israel
Who is Othniel?
Revealed the answer to Samson's riddle
Who is Samson's wife?
Killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad
Who is Shamgar?
These people tricked Israel into a making a league with them
Who are the Gibeonites?
Stole some spoils of Jericho
Who is Achan?
Not bad
But not good, lose 300 points
What Samson promised to give to the thirty Philistines who guessed his riddle
What are shirts and cloaks?
The captain who led the Israelite army against Sisera
Who is Barak?
Say what?
Give 200 of your points to two of your friends
Put out a fleece to prove God's call to fight the Midianites
Who is Gideon?
Samson used this to kill 1,000 Philistines
What is the jawbone of a donkey?
The waterway the Israelites crossed on dry ground to enter the land of Canaan
What is the Jordan River?
This attacked Samson near the vineyards on his way to Timnath
What is a young lion?
The number of days the Israelites marched around the city of Jericho
What is seven?
What Joshua failed to do that caused Israel's defeat at Ai?
What is seek God's guidance?
This woman killed Sisera, captain of Jabin's army
Who is Jael?
God sent this upon the army of the five kings who attacked Gibeon
What are hailstones?
Samson claimed he could be restrained by binding him with this
What are seven fresh bowstrings?
Now what
Add 500 points to your score
Ehud's uniqueness as a deliverer of Israel
What was his left-handedness?
The kings of the enemies of Israel hid here before being discovered and destroyed by Joshua
Where is in a cave (at Makkedah)
Which item torch, shield, pitcher, or trumpet was not taken into battle by Gideon's men
What is a shield?
Add 600 points to your score
The citizens of Ophrah were angry at Gideon because he destroyed this
What is their altars(to pagan gods)?
The vow that forbade Samson to cuts his hair, eat of the grapevine, or touch a dead body
What is the Nazirite vow?
One of your friends loses 700 points
Joshua was told to remove this when he was before the Captain of the host of the Lord
What is his sandals (shoes)?
When God called Gideon to fight the Midianites, he was doing this
What is threshing wheat?
The sun and the moon stood still for how long
What is one day?
The first city Israel conquered in the land of Canaan
What is Jericho?
God prepared Gideon's army for battle by
What is reducing their numbers?