This word means believing without seeing
What 3 words summarize the Bible?
His blood will be shed
What does the Bible teach about how we should treat others?
Love others as you love yourself
Because the Bible is true, it can be ____________
Before the flood all people's thoughts were...
How did sin enter the world?
Adam's disobedience
Why is it wrong to murder a person?
They are made in the image of God
What is good for teaching us how to love God and our neighbors?
Why is the Bible more trustworthy than other creation stories?
God was the only eye witness. No one else was there. The Bible is the inspired word of God.
This is what God commanded Noah to build
Because of Adam's sin, we now have suffering and...
What two commands were given to Adam and Eve?
Rule over AND fill the earth
What does inspired mean as it relates to the Bible?
The word inspired can help us understand that the words in the Bible are _______________ words
God sent this to wash the earth clean
Which event after Adam and Eve were banished from the garden showed an increase in sin?
Cain murdering Abel
What command did the people of the Tower of Babel disobey?
Spreading out and filling the earth
What picture is used to help us imagine how the Spirit influenced Bible writers?
How long did it rain when Noah was on the ark?
40 days and 40 nights
Noah and his family and the animals on the ark were commanded to _________ the earth
What reminds us of the Noahic Covenant?
A rainbow
How did God get the people at Babel to obey?
He confused their language
How did Moses and other Bible writers know what to write?
God breathed out the words and they wrote what the Spirit moved them to write.
How many people were on the ark?
Noah and his wife
Ham and his wife
Shem and his wife
Japheth and his wife