in what place was Jesus born
In Bethlehem, Nazareth
who brought Jesus gifts when he was born
The wise men
shortest verse in the bible
Jesus wept
what was Jesus' crown made of
what day did Jesus rise from the dead
this is where John baptized Jesus
Jordan river
who washed Jesus' feet
Mary Magdalene
Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; the first,_____, who is called Peter, and ________ his brother;_______ the son of Zebedee, and John his brother...
Answer: Simon, Andrew, James
how old was Jesus when he started him ministry
Paul was shipwrecked on this island
where did Eutychus fall out of a window
I held a feast for Jesus and invited tax collectors and sinners.
Which of Jesus' Disciples denied him
Peter denied Jesus 3 times
how many days and nights did Jesus fast
after Jesus fed the 5,000 how baskets were left over
mount Sinai was located where, according to Paul?
who cut off John the Baptists Head
Herods stepdaughter
what women in the bible was accused of being drunk while praying
what did Jesus do before we started his ministry
A carpenter
This was the first miracle Jesus did
turning water into wine
where can Jerusalem be found
In the mountains
I took Jesus; body down from the cross
Joseph of Arimathea
How many books does the bible consist of
what are the colours of the horses in revelation
White, Red, Dark and Pale
This is where Jesus turned the water into wine
at a wedding at galilee