founder of the Catholic Church
Who is Jesus Christ?
Who is John?
When Jesus spoke about noticing a splinter in a brother's eye, yet ignoring the beam in our own, he was warning against ...
What is hypocrisy?
Word of God which is found in the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit and written down by men
What is Sacred Scripture?
eternal life and happiness with God; it lasts forever
What is Heaven?
name of the Roman governor who ordered the execution of Jesus
Who is Pontius Pilate?
The _________ Serve Others
Who is the greatest?
When the widow dropped two little copper coins into the Temple treasury, it meant that...
What is "we should give our everything to God and be generous in giving ourselves to others?
has 46 books
What is the Old Testament?
eternal separation from God; a state of eternal punishment
What is Hell?
last and greatest of all the prophets
Who is John the Baptist?
Jesus' _______ at Cana
What is miracle?
When John was preaching about the news of Jesus' coming, it tells us to ...
What is "turn away from sin"?
What is the New Testament?
place of temporary separation from God, time of cleansing souls of venial sins and preparing them for Heaven
What is Purgatory?
remembered as the great apostle who evangelized the Gentiles
Who is St. Paul?
A Tree Is Known by ___ ___________
What is its fruit?
The changing of water into wine symbolized how Jesus came to ...
What is "change the way we live"?
has an analytical writing style of the Gospel, was a doctor
Who is Luke?
a. in order to save us (take away our sins) by reconciling us with God
b. so that we would know God’s love
c. to be our model of holiness
d. to make us sharers in his Divinity
Why did the Son of God become man?
Jesus’ father on earth (foster father) and husband of Mary, the Blessed Mother
Who is St. Joseph?
Jesus is Our ________ _______________
Who is the Good Shepherd?
When John told Jesus that they stopped someone who cast out spirits in Jesus' name, Jesus wanted to tell us that
What is "holiness is for everyone" and "anyone who is not against us is for us"?
wrote to highlight Jesus' relationships with people, very poetic and passionate writing for the Gospel
Who is John?
last book of the bible
What is the Book of Revelation?