This man built an ark to survive a great flood.
Who is Noah?
The first man created by God.
Who is Adam?
This man delivered the Sermon on the Mount.
Who is Jesus?
This famous verse says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son..."
What is John 3:16
This city is known as the birthplace of Jesus.
What is Bethlehem?
This women turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back at the burning city.
Who is Lot's wife?
This giant was defeated by David using a slingshot.
Who is Goliath?
This disciple betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
Who is Judas Iscariot?
This verse says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
What is Philippians 4:13
The walls of this city fell after the Israelites marched around it.
What is Jericho?
This young boy defeated a giant with just a slingshot and a stone.
Who is David?
This prophet led the Israelites out of Egypt and parted the Red Sea.
Who is Moses?
This book is the first book of the New Testament.
What is the Book of Matthew?
"The Lord is my Shepard; I shall not want" is a verse from this Psalm.
What is Psalm 23?
Moses received the Ten Commandments on this mountain.
What is Mount Sinai?
This prophet was swallowed by a big fish after trying to avoid God's call to Nineveh.
Who is Jonah?
This youngest son of Jacob was sold into slavery by his brothers and later became second in command in Egypt.
Who is Joseph?
This apostle doubted Jesus' resurrection until he saw Jesus himself.
Who is Thomas?
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God" is from this Gospel.
What is the Book of John?
Jesus as crucified in this city.
What is Jerusalem?
This strong man has his strength taken away when his hair was cut.
Who is Samson?
This king wrote many Proverbs and built the first temple in Jerusalem.
Who is Solomon?
This miracle was performed by Jesus at a wedding in Cana.
What is turning water into wine?
The opening verse of this book says, "The earth was without form and void..."
What is Genesis?
The Israelites crossed this body of water to escape.
What is the Red Sea?