"Trinity" appears in the Bible ___ times
What is 0?
Adam and Eve's three sons:
Who are, Cain, Able, and Seth?
The mission of the people of the Tower of Babel:
The tribe Paul was from:
What is, the tribe of Benjamin?
What the VeggieTales computer is named after:
What is, QWERTY the first 6 letters of a standard keyboard?
The 9th book in the Bible
What is "1 Samuel"?
Jezebel died this way:
What is, by being thrown out a window?
The reason Cain killed Abel:
What is, he was jealous that God accepted Abel's offering and not his own?
Out of the 27 books of the New Testament, Paul wrote this many:
What is thirteen?
What vegetable is Larry?
What is cucumber?
What Job is Personified as:
What is "The Old Man that has Seen Alot"?
What Jacob's name was changed to:
What is, Israel?
The king that recieved the writing on the wall in Daniel 5:
Who is, King Belshazzar?
The age of Sarah when she gave birth to Isaac:
What is, 90?
The name of the very first Silly Song with Larry:
What is, "The Water Buffalo Song"?
The 3 C's from 2 weeks ago are:
What is Confirm, Comfort, and Cultivate?
The names of Noah's son:
Who are, Shem, Ham, and Japheth?
The location where Jonah started his journey to get away from Ninevah and were he wanted to go:
What is, Joppa and Tarshish?
The Jewish council that plotted Jesus' death:
What is, the Sanhedrin?
The year of the first episode release:
(Bonus: Name the Episode)
What is, 1993?
(Bonus: Where's God When I'm Scared)