What word means kindness or compassion toward others?
What does sovereignty mean?
supreme authority
How many sons of Jacob went to Egypt to buy food the first time?
Where were the merchants from that bought Joseph and then sold him as a slave in Egypt?
What word means to mend or restore a relationship?
Because Christ forgave us and showed us mercy.
What should we remember from the story of Joseph when bad times happen?
That all things work together for good. We should learn to forgive.
What did Joseph call his brothers and who did Joseph keep in prison until the brothers returned?
He called them spies.
He kept Simeon in prison.
What was the name of the ointment that was sold in Egypt?
balm of Gilead
Which brother betrayed Joseph by selling him?
How does Joseph respond to Potiphar for throwing him in prison?
He doesn't take revenge.
Who did Joseph meet in prison? How did Joseph help them?
Pharaoh's butler and baker were thrown into prison. Joseph interpreted their dreams.
What was the only way to release their brother from prison?
When Joseph saw his youngest brother, what did He prepare for his brothers in his house? What was strange about it?
They had to bring back Benjamin.
He prepared a banquet. They were sitting in their birth order and Benjamin got the most.
Name two characteristics of this ointment.
Smelled good, rare, used as a medicine, used in cosmetics, to prepare a body for burial
Who is Joseph a picture of?
How did Joseph understand God's sovereignty more after he became 2nd in command of Egypt?
He understood that God used all these terrible things to bring him to this position and to save a nation.
What happened to both the butler and the baker?
What did Joseph ask one of them?
The butler went back to his position and the baker was put to death after three days.
How did Joseph see that his brothers had changed?
Which brother responded to possibly losing Benjamin?
Joseph placed his silver cup secretly in Benjamin's bag. The soldiers "caught" Benjamin stealing and was taking him back to be a slave.
Judah begged to take him instead.
How is the healing power of the ointment connected to Jesus?
Jesus death brought healing between us and God.
Why did Joseph prosper in wherever God placed him?
He had integrity, honesty and he trusted God.
What example did Jesus give regarding mercy that involved a man, a thief, a priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan?
Who was the "neighbor" who showed mercy?
The first 2 men, who were supposed to know God's Word, passed by the man who was hurt. The Samaritan, whom Jews hated, stopped and cleaned the man's wounds, took him to an Inn, paid for any expenses until he recovered.
The Samaritan.
What was the meaning of Pharoah's dreams?
What happened to Joseph?
There would be 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine.
Joseph became second in command and saved Egypt and surrounding countries from starvation.
What does Joseph do when he realizes his brothers have changed?
What do the brothers fear after Jacob dies?
He reveals himself and forgives his brothers.
They think Joseph will take revenge on them now that Jacob died.
What did Joseph ask his family to do when the Hebrews left Egypt?
Take his body with them and bury him in the promised land.
Name 3 ways Joseph and Jesus are similar.
both births were long awaited, betrayed by brethren, sold for the price of slave, beloved of his father, save a nation, forgave those who wronged him, brought healing and restoration