Who baptized Jesus?
His cousin, John the Baptist
Who is the woman God created from Adam's rib?
Which body of water did Jesus walk on?
The Sea of Galilee
"Kindness shown to someone who deserves punishment"
From section 1.1Mercy
Why is Easter important to Christians?
Easter is when we remember the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
It proves that He really is the promised Savior because it fulfilled prophesies.
It shows that he has power over death.
It shows that Jesus took the punishment for our sins so that we can live forever in Heaven without being punished for the sins we do.
(Correct answers can vary.)
Where was Jesus baptized?
The Jordan River
Ruth was gleaning wheat in Boaz's field when he noticed her. What does it mean to glean?
Where was Jesus when he turned water into wine?
At a wedding
"Anything that we think, say, or do that disobeys God"
(section 1.1)
Who discovered that Jesus' body was empty?
Mary Magdalene and some other women
Who was Oprah Winfrey was named after? (It is an Old Testament woman, but Oprah's dad spelled it wrong!)
Orpah, sister-in-law to Ruth
What did Jesus cause to whither up?
A fig tree
"Look forward to something God has promised"
Section 1.2
They were celebrating Passover.
This is when Jews remember their escape from slavery in Egypt and how death "passed over" their homes during the 10th plague.
After Jesus was baptized, a voice was heard. Where did that voice come from?
Heaven (God)
This Jewish girl "won" a nation-wide beauty pageant to become the next queen to King Ahasuerus (Xerxes). Later, she bravely approached him and was able to convince him to save her people from an evil plot to kill all the Jews.
What did Jesus put on the blind man's eyes when he was healing him?
"A person who speaks for and defends someone else"
Section 1.3
How long was Jesus in the grave before he was resurrected?
Three days and three nights
"This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased."
(Other versions of Matthew 3:17 are acceptable.)
Who was Elisabeth?
Mother of John the Baptist
Relative of Mary, mother of Jesus
Wife of Zechariah
Descendant of Aaron
(Lots of possible correct answers for this important woman!)
Jesus healed a paralyzed man at crowded house in Capernaum, but first his friends had to do something very surprising to get the man in front of Jesus.
What did the friends of the paralyzed man do?
The friends made a hole in the roof, then lowered the man on his mat through the hole into the house!
(The house was so full of people who had come because Jesus was there that they couldn't get in through the door.)
Mark 2:1-12
"To go between"
Section 1.3
Who sentenced Jesus to death after the crowds demanded it?
Pontius Pilate