"new birth"; this means to come back to life
What is
I came to save the world. Those who believe in Me will go to Heaven.
Who is
Jesus Christ
This is how many New Testament, Old Testament, and total books are in the Bible.
What is
39 - OT
27 - NT
66 - Total
What does "Salvation" mean?
What is
to rescue or set free
In Ephesians Paul said says that we are not saved by our own works, but
What is
By grace through faith
The last 27 books of the Bible
What is
The New Testament
I wrote a majority of the New Testament. I longed to know Jesus better, and rejoiced in Who He was.
Who is
The Apostle Paul
What is the theme of the Bible?
Who is
the gospel
The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ
What is
The gospel
According to Luke 19:10, Jesus came to "seek and save.."
What is
"That which was lost"
What is
Although I failed Jesus many times, I became a bold preacher in the book of Acts.
Who is
The Apostle Peter
In the parable of a wise man and a foolish man, where did Jesus say a wise man built his house?
What is
On a rock
The name Jesus means
What is
Jehovah saves
What is
The trying of our faith
The Bible is authored by the Holy Spirit. Although men physically penned the words, Scripture is written by God. To say that the Bible is "inspired" is to say that the Holy Spirit moved on the hearts of men to write the words down.
I talked to Jesus in John 3 about what it means to be "born again."
Who is
What is the memory verse from this past week and what does it say?
What is
2 Peter 1:21
For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
Confidence of salvation based on God's truth
What is
John says that whoever believes on Jesus is not condemned, but He who believes not is
What is
Condemned already
Cancellation of a debt, or penalty
The apostle Peter came to see me in Acts 10 after he saw a vision with wild creatures in it. God told Peter to, "Rise, Peter; Kill and eat."
Who is
The Bible has stood the test of time. It has not fallen and has maintained since the beginning.
Explain the gospel to message to a lost person.
Answers will be conversational
These are the two reasons God offers salvation
What are
1. He cares about our need
2. He cares about His glory