In what book of the Bible is the story of David and Goliath
What is 1 Samuel
Jezebel was the daughter of
Who is Ethball king of the Sidonianas
what was the name of Herodias first husband
who is Philip
what is purim
What is Jewish Holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman
Jeremiah 51:27
what is Set up a banner in the land.....
when Goliath saw David he said
What is Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks
After Ahab married Jezebel he built a temple for Baal in which city in Israel
What is Samaria
why she had a grudge against John the Baptist
what is John said her relationship with the king was unlawful
who was Haman
What is Agagite
John 14:2
What is in my Father's house....
How did David kill Goliath
What is with a sling and stone
What lie was told about Naboth that led him being stoned
What is he had blasphemed against God and the king
on what day John beheaded
on the king's birthday
how Haman choose the date to kill the Jews
What is cast Pur
Exodus 3:5
What is then He said Do not draw near this place
Why was David so confident that he could kill Goliath
He had God on his side
explain what Jezebel did when she heard that Jehu was on his way to kill her
What is she put makeup on
how the guards brought John the Baptist head to Herodias' daughter
what is on a platter
Haman choose one single day to kill the all the Jews. Which month
What is Nisan
Ezekiel 47: 23
What is And it shall be that in whatever tribe the stranger...