This young shepherd boy defeated a giant named Goliath.
Who is David?
Jesus turned this into wine at a wedding.
What is water?
Jesus taught that we should love this person just like ourselves.
Who is our neighbor?
This thing tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.
What is the Serpent (Snake)
The first book of the Bible.
What is Genesis?
This man built a huge ark to save animals from a flood.
Who is Noah?
Jesus fed over 5,000 people using only five loaves of bread and two of these.
What are fish?
Jesus told a parable about a lost one of these animals to show how God loves us.
What is a sheep?
Balaam's animal talked to him because an angel blocked the way
What is a Donkey.
Jesus was born in this town.
What is Bethlehem?
This queen saved her people by being brave and talking to the king.
Who is Esther?
Moses parted this sea so the Israelites could escape.
What is the Red Sea?
This prayer starts with "Our Father, who art in heaven..."
What is the Lord's Prayer?
Jesus rode this kind of animal into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
What is a Donkey.
The Ten Commandments were given on this mountain.
What is Mount Sinai?
This man was swallowed by a big fish and stayed inside for three days.
Who is Jonah?
God made this stop moving for a whole day so Israel could win a battle.
What is the sun?
Jesus said if we have faith as small as this seed, we can move mountains.
What is a mustard seed?
This kind of bird brought food to Elijah during a famine.
What is a Raven.
The Bible has this many books in total.
What is 66?
This strong man lost his strength when his hair was cut.
Who is Samson?
Elijah prayed, and God sent this from heaven to burn a sacrifice.
What is fire?
Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love this person with all your heart.
Who is God?
Peter denied Jesus three times before this bird made a sound.
What is a rooster?
Paul wrote letters to this group of people who lived in Ephesus.
Who are the Ephesians?