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Bonus: Study Methods
The two main parts that make up our Bible today.
What is the Old and New Covenant (Testament)
Authoritative, Prophetic, Authentic, Dynamic, and Received.
What are the 5 Standards of the canonization of Bible books?
Which one of Mr. Brent's kids has a really long Hawaiian name (having been born in Hawaii): Eva, Elijah, Josiah, Lilia, or Rock?
Who is Josiah Wesley Maka Mai Pa'a Ke Aloha
Name at least two books of the Old Testament that include predictive prophecies.
What is Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, etc.
The name of a method of taking a passage of the Bible and making it easier for a particular group of readers to understand (such as young children or English learners).
What is a paraphrase?
The testimony of primary source Flavius Josephus indicate that the very first record of human history was written down by ________________.
What is Adam and the sons of Seth?
Books that are disputed by some people, but were in the end accepted by everyone
What is Antilegomena?
Around 1440 Johannes Gutenberg invented the __________ which helped to spread God's word by making it easier to make copies.
What is the movable type press?
The number of existing manuscript copies of an ancient book and amount of time between the oldest existing copy and the original.
What is Bibliographical evidence?
A Bible study tool in which you can find all the occurrences of each word in the whole Bible. (For example, if you want to find all the places the word "Messiah" occurs in the entire Bible).
What is a concordance?
The number of letters were written by the Apostle Paul all over the Roman Empire.
What is ten?
Most Christians and Jews believe these books are not part of the inspired canon of Scripture. Some Christians do. They are very important to understand the period of about 400 years between the Old and New Testaments. These books also help to explain the origins of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes.
What is the Apocrypha?
What ancient author showed that the facts of Jesus' life and death were as well known throughout the Roman world by 73 AD as the lives and deaths of great men such as Pythagoras and Socrates.
What is the Christian writer Mara Bar-Serapion?
A type of writing unique to the Bible which proves it's Divine authorship (that is, that it was inspired by God).
What is predictive prophecy?
The best Bible study tool to find out when a book was written and the background of the original audience of the book.
What is a Bible commentary?
The non-Jewish flood tradition that contained the most full representations of the 12 Biblical ideas surrounding the Great Flood?
What are the Assyrio-Babylonian 1 and 2 traditions?
Books that everyone accepted as inspired—the majority of the books in the Bible today.
What is the Homologoumena?
If he records ____1______, or _____2_______ his credibility is enhanced.
What is personal experience or first-hand reports?
A field of science that uncovers ancient artifacts and cities that help us to understand the events of the past.
What is archeology?
Describe how to do an inductive Bible study.
Answers will vary, but should refer to 1. Observation 2. Interpretation 3. Application
Explain the different divisions of the Old Testament and name some of the books in each division.
(Answers will vary, but should include The Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms (or Writings)).
Books that were rejected (they are thought to have been written by someone other than the supposed author)
What is the Pseudepigrapha?
After Tyndale died, King Henry VIII did something very important.
What is a license to publish an English version of the Bible and have it put in every church.
The historian from around 100 AD who wrote an entire history of the Jews from the Creation in 4004 BC up to the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. (His books include an important historical description of Jesus).
Who is Flavius Josephus?
The 3 main interpretations of the difficult passage in 1 Peter 3 regarding Jesus' preaching to spirits in prison.
What is 1. Jesus preached in the Spirit through Noah before the Flood. 2. Jesus preached to fallen angels in prison a message of victory over them. 3. Jesus preached to the people in Hades (prison) who disobeyed in the days of Noah before the flood.