A written translation of the Scriptures
What is a "version" of the Bible?
The Bible is traditionally divided into these two main sections
What is the Old Testament and the New Testament?
The Bible was originally written in these three languages
What are Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek?
The authors of the Bible all have this in common
What is they are all male?
The number Bible translations that exist in English
What is over 100 translations?
The Bible has this number of books
What is 66 books?
The Bible was written over this number of years
What is about 1,500 years?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John have this common
Who's writings all describe the mortal life of Jesus Christ and His words? OR Who are the authors of the gospel?
A Bible with "bonus features" like maps, timelines, commentaries, devotionals or "extras" tailored for a certain audience
What is an "edition" of the Bible?
The Bible is divided by these six categories
What is law, history, poetry, prophecy, gospel, and letters?
The New Testament was written this long after Jesus' death
What is almost a century (100 years)?
The is what the people who wrote the Bible are referred to as.
Who are Prophets, Sages, Historians, Apostles, Poets and/or Witnesses?
The philosophies Biblical translators follow when translating the Bible
What is Formal, Functional, and Optimal Equivalence. What is Paraphrase?
Books including and between Job to Song of Solomon are referred to as this
What is the Wisdom Books?
This group selected which books would be included in the Bible
What is the Council of Rome in 382 A.D.?
The Bible was written by this many authors
What is approximately 40 authors?