How did the Israelites destroy the wall of Jericho?
With a shout
The earthly parents of Jesus
Mary and Joseph
Who was Jamaica's first Prime Minister?
Alexander Bustamante
Jesus turned this into wine
Last book of the Hebrew Scriptures
What was the name of the garden that Adam and Eve stayed?
Garden of Eden
What language was most of the Old Testament originally written in?
He climbed a tree to see Jesus
What month is celebrated as Reggae Month?
This disciple walked on water with Jesus.
This book contains 150 songs
The city referred to as the holy city.
What did God provide for Abraham to offer as a burnt offering instead of his son Isaac?
A ram
The wrath of the Lord poured out as contained in the book of Revelation will be unleashed after what?
The sound of the trumpets
Who is Jamaica's first national hero?
Marcus Garvey
How was the woman with the issue of blood healed by Jesus?
She touched the hem of his garment.
The 5th book of the Christian Greek Scriptures
River where John the Baptist did most of his baptizing.
Jordan River
Father of the Faith
After Jesus was arrested, which apostle disowned him three times?
Who was the first Jamaican to win the Miss World contest?
Lisa Hanna
He was raised from the dead by Jesus.
Longest chapter of the Bible.
Psalms 119
What mountain did Moses stay for 40 days and nights in order to receive the Ten Commandments?
Mount Sinai
What was the first bird Noah sent out from the ark?
How many people did Jesus feed with five loaves of bread and two fish?(500, 1000, 2000, 5000)
Jamaica was the first English speaking country in the Caribbean to ever qualify for the world cup which was held in what year?
Who dipped in the river Jordan 7 times?
This book has the shortest verse in the Bible
The Gospel of John
The most important Biblical event to take place at Golgatha.
The crucifixion of Jesus.
Name the 2 prophetess of the old testament.
Miriam and Deborah
Out of the twelve disciples four of them were fishermen. Name two.
James, John, Peter and Andrew
Who is on the 5000 dollar bill?
Hugh Lawson Shearer
What body part did Peter cut this off of one of the men arresting Jesus?
His ear
This book tells the story of Sampson
Mountain where God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.
Mt. Moriah