The boy who killed a giant.
Who is David?
The earthly parents of Jesus
Who are Mary and Joseph?
Jesus turned this into wine
What is water
3rd commandment
Keep holy the Sabbath
Who baptized Jesus
St John the Baptis
Sacrament in which we first become children of God
The boy who was raised by Egyptians but Hebrew by birth and God gave the 10 commandments to.
Who is Moses?
Which apostle betrayed Jesus
The apostle who walked on water when Jesus told him to
What is the 4th commandment
Mother of Mary
St Ann
Another name for Reconciliation
The man who was swallowed by a whale
Who is Jonah?
Why did Zacchaeus climb a tree?
What is To see Jesus, because he was short?
What food did Jesus bless and feed thousands of people with
Loaves and fishes
What is the 5th commandment
Patron saint for lost items
St. Anthony
Receiving the body and blood of Christ
Who is called our Father of Faith
What did John the Baptist say in the wilderness?
What is Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near?
The man who had to be lowered through the roof to be healed of this
What is paralyzed
What is the first commandment
I am the Lord your God, you shall not have false gods before me.
Patron saint for safe travels
St Christopher
Sacrament when someone is ill or dying
Anointing of the sick
What is the garden called where Adam and Eve first lived?
What is the garden of Eden?
The disciples saw the Transfiguration of Jesus?
Who is St. Peter, St. James and St. John?
The second commandment
Thou shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
The patron saint for lost causes
St. Jude
Sacrament a man and a woman participate in on their wedding day
Who built an ark and housed animals in it until the flood was over?
What is Pentecost
When the Holy Spirit descended onto the apostles in flaming fire to give them the gifts to courageously proclaim the good news of Jesus
What did Jesus restore in the person who was arresting him after one of his disciples cut it off
His ear
What is the 8th commandment
Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
First American saint
St Elizabeth Ann Sexton
Sacrament in which the Holy Spirit gives 7 gifts