Old Testament
New Testament
Miracles of Jesus
The Ten Commandments

Too young to fight with King Saul's army, this boy came to the battle to visit his brothers but wound up killing a giant.

Who is (King) David?


This newly married couple became the earthly parents of Jesus.

Who are Mary and Joseph?


Jesus attended a wedding in Cana and miraculously turned this substance into a fine wine. It was His first miracle.

What is water?


This third commandment is all about showing respect to God.

What is "Do not use God's name in vain"?


This wild man, dressed in camel's hair and eating locusts with honey, had the honor of baptizing Jesus. Jesus linked him with the prophet Elijah.

Who is John the Baptist?


There is no other name, given among humans, by which we can be saved.

Who is Jesus?


This man was raised by Egyptians but Hebrew by birth and God gave the 10 commandments to him.

Who is Moses?


This disciple betrayed Jesus.

Who is Judas?


This apostle walked on water when Jesus invited him to, but took his eyes off Jesus and sank into the sea. Don't worry, Jesus rescued him.

Who is Simon/Peter?


This is the 4th commandment. Take time for God.

What is "Honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy"?


This meaning of the Hebrew word "Mara" was applied to a place in the desert where the water tasted bad. (Ex 15:23-24). Naomi also wanted to changer her name to "Mara" when she was sad after her husband died.

What is "Bitter"?


This gift is given to all believers (Acts).

What is the Holy Spirit?


The Old Testament says he was swallowed by a big fish, while Jesus seems to use the Greek word for a whale. Either way, it probably wasn't a fun ride.

Who is Jonah?


He must have looked rather silly when he climbed a tree to see Jesus. He blamed it on his "wee" stature.

Who is Zacchaeus?


In a crowd of over 5,000 people, the only food found to distribute was this lunch of a young boy.

What are five loaves and two fishes?


This 5th commandment is the first with a promise, that you may live long in the land I have given you.

What is "Honor your Father and Mother"?


This biblical author wrote more books of the Bible than anyone else; 14 if you think he wrote Hebrews.

Who is Paul?


This river was parted by God to give the Children of Israel access to the Promised Land. I was also where Jesus was baptized.

What is the Jordan River? (Matthew 3:13; Mark 1:9)


This formerly childless man was promised that he would have as many descendants as the stars in the sky or sands on the seashore and that through his seed all nations of the earth would be blessed.

Who is Abraham?


John the Baptist stood up to king Herod about his sinful relationship with Herod's sister-in-law. This punishment was how Herod killed John.

What is beheaded?


This medical condition prevented a man from coming to see Jesus for healing in a crowded house, so his friends made a hole in the roof and lowered him down to Jesus.

What is paralyzed?


This first and foremost commandment helps you keep all the others.

What is "I am the Lord your God, you shall not have false gods before me"?


This man wrote the first 5 books of the Bible.

Who is Moses?


Jesus told His followers they would receive this from on high when they receive the Holy Spirit.

What is Power (Acts 1:8)?


This garden is where the first human beings originally lived.

What is the Garden of Eden?


An ax head went flying off its handle and sank into the water. The prophet threw one of these into the water and it made the ax head float to the top.

What is a stick?


This man and his two sisters were such good friends with Jesus that Jesus raised him from the dead.

Who is Lazarus?


This is the second commandment.

What is "do not make any false gods and worship them"?


This is who inspired people to write the Bible.

Who is the Holy Spirit? (2 Timothy 3:16-17)


When Jesus was baptized the Holy Spirit descended on Him in the form of this animal.

What is a dove?


This man was instructed by God to build a huge wooden box so that his family and many animals could survive a worldwide flood.

Who is Noah?


In 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 we read of 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit. These are two.

What are: Word of Wisdom; Word of Knowledge; Discernment of Spirits; Faith; Healing; Miracles; Prophecy; Tongues; Interpretation of Tongues?


When Jesus was arrested, Simon Peter attacked one of the men doing the arresting and cut this off with a sword.

What is the man's ear?


This is the 8th commandment.

What is "Do not steal"?


The first five books of Bible, written by Moses, as a group are known by this name.

What is the Pentateuch (or the Torah)?


The last book of the Bible ends with this Hebrew word. Give both the last book and last word (2 answers)

What are Revelation and Amen?

Revelation 22:21 "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen." 
