The boy who killed a giant.
Who is David?
The earthly parents of Jesus
Who are Joseph and Mary?
Jesus turned this into wine at a wedding
What is Water?
3rd commandment
Do not use God's name in vain
Who baptized Jesus
John the Baptist
How do we first become children of God
Through Salvation
The boy who was raised by Egyptians but Hebrew by birth and Jehovah gave the 10 commandments to.
Who is Moses?
This disciple betrayed Jesus
Who is Judas Iscariot?
The apostle who walked on water when Jesus told him to
Who is Peter?
What is the 4th commandment
Honor the Sabbath and keep it Holy
What does "Mara" mean? (Ex 15:23-24)
What is the Gift that is given to All of us (Acts)
The Holy Spirit
The man who was Swallowed by a Big Fish
This man climbed a tree to see Jesus because because he suffered a height disadvantage (See Luke 19:1-10)
Who is Zacccheus?
The food that Jesus blessed and feed thousands of people with
What are bread and fish (5 Loaves and 2 fish)?
What is the 5th commandment
Honor Your Father and Mother
Who wrote the book of Hebrews
We believe Paul
Where was Jesus Baptized
Jordan River (Matthew 3:13; Mark 1:9)
Who is Abraham?
A Prophet of Jehovah who survived off of honey and ate insects
Who is John the Baptizer?
Luke 7:11-15 illustrates one of 3 times Jesus performed this miracle
What is a resurrection?
What is the first commandment
I am the Lord your God, you shall not have false gods before me.
Who wrote the the 1st 5 Books of the Bible
What will we Receive when the Holy Spirit comes upon us
Power (Acts 1:8)
The garden called where Adam and Eve first lived
What is The Garden of Eden?
Jesus spoke to this man, who help Saul of Tarsus regain his strength and eyesight (Acts 9:9-19)
Who is Ananias?
The second commandment
Do not make any false gods and worship them .
Who Inspired the people to write the Bible
The Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
When Jesus came up out of the water 2 things happened
The Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove and descended upon him, and God the Father's spoke from heaven.
8 who survived the flood.
Who are Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, their wives?
What are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control?
What did Jesus restore to the person who was arresting him after one of his disciples cut it off
His ear
What is the 8th commandment
Thou shall not steal
What are the 1st 5 Books in the Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Number, Deuteronomy) called
Pentateuch (The word Pentateuch comes from two Greek words that mean "five books" or "five scroll" )
What is the Last Book in the Bible, what is the last word in the Bible?
Revelation 22:21 "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen."