How many people were saved on the ark?
How many books in the New Testament?
What did Jesus turn into wine?
After King Ahab married Jezebel what god did he worship?
Who was the Egyptian maid of Sarah
Hagar, Genesis 16;21:8-21
Who was raised by Egyptians but was Hebrew by birth?
Which apostle betrayed Jesus
Who walked on water when Jesus told him to?
Which of King David's sons tried to overthrow and kill him?
She ruled a kingdom that included territory in both Arabia and Africa.
Queen Sheba
After Noah got off the boat, what sign did God give to showed his promise to never flood the world again?
A Rainbow.
Reference: Genesis 9
What is quoted in John 14:6?
"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."
What food did Jesus bless and feed thousands of people with?
Five loaves of bread and two fish
Who became King of Babylon after King Nebuchadnezzar?
King Belshazzar
His father was Cushi, his grandfather. Gedaliah is his great-grandfather amariah, and his great great grandfather (King) Hezekiah
Propet zephaniah
What did King Solomon ask God to give him?
Reference: 1 Kings 3:9
What did John the Baptist say in the wilderness?
"Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is near."
Why did the man who have to be lowered through the roof to be healed?
He was paralyzed
How long did King Ahab reign over Israel?
Twenty-two Years
Accompanied the Israelites when they left Egypt.
Mixed multitude
Who lived in Ur and moved to a country he did not know?
Reference: Genesis 12
Paul said he was the ____ of sinners?
The chief of sinners.
Reference: 1 Timothy 1:15
Name of a man Jesus raised from the dead.
Which Queen visited King Solomon because she had heard of his fame?
The Queen of Sheba
the Jew of Alexandria in North Africa becomes Converted.
Which commander had leprosy?
Reference: 2 Kings 5
What is Pentecost
When the Holy Spirit descended onto the apostles in flaming fire to give them the gifts to courageously proclaim the good news of Jesus.
What is the name of the man whose ear was cut off while arresting Jesus?
What is Malchus
Whom did King Solomon kill because he violated an order not to leave Jerusalem?
She was an Egyptian princess and by his marriage to her, Solomon sealed an alliance with Egypt.
Solomon's Egyptian wife