Where He fed the 5 thousand
Sea of Galilee
what kind of tree did zaccariah climb
Mulberry - Fig tree
How many years of famine did Joseph prophesy to the Pharoah
What is the longest chapter of the Bible?
Psalm 119
Who said how long will you waver between two options?
Paul was shipwrecked on what island?
How old was Moses when he died?
The ascension of Jesus took place in which province?
How old was David, when he was anointed, king?
The only woman mentioned in paul's letter to Philemon?
What does "Mara" mean? (Ex 15:23-24)
The man the King delights to honor?
David's wife who's name starts with A
Why did Zacchaeus climb a tree?
To see Jesus, because he was short
What food did Jesus bless and feed thousands of people with
5 Loaves and 2 fishes
In cubits,how long did God told Noah to make the Ark
300 Cubits
How was Abraham when his son Isaac was born?
What exact scripture(s) tells of Jesus Baptism
(Matthew 3:13; Mark 1:9)
Who is called our Father of Faith
what are the final words of Jesus recorded in the Bible
"Surely I come quickly" Rev 22:20
The man who had to be lowered through the roof to be healed - what was his sickness
He was Paralyzed
Who asked Pilate for Jesus' body after he was Crucified?
What is the name of the place Jacob slept and dreamed of Jacobs ladder
Bethel (Gen 28:19)
What will we Receive when the Holy Spirit comes upon us
Power (Acts 1:8)
Does the exact scripture say it is better for a man to dwell in the corner of a house
Prov 21:19
How did Judas identify Jesus as the one to be arrested?
With a Kiss
Who buried Moses?
The Lord Duet 34 v 6
What is the name of the king that anoints Salomon with oil?
Which exact scripture talks about the inspiration form the Holy Spirit to write the Bible? Hint Timothy
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)
When Jesus came up out of the water 2 things happened
The Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove and descended upon him, and God the Father's spoke from heaven.
Who built an ark and housed animals in it until the flood was over?
Who was mentioned as the wife of Moses
What is the Last Book in the Bible, what is the last word in the Bible?
Revelation 22:21 "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen."