On what day was man created
Sixth Day
He climbed a tree to see Jesus
Jesus turned this into wine
This book contains 150 songs
Where was the first JOV service held?
Shaw Centre
What does JOVFWCII stand for?
Jesus Our Victory Family Worship Centre International Incorporated
How many rivers flowed from the land of Eden?
4. (Gen. 2:10-14)
After Jesus fasted in the desert, what was His first temptation in the wilderness?
Tempted to turn stone into bread
Jesus healed this woman after how many years of unstoppable blood flow
12 years
In this book, the writer's wife introduces herself by saying "I am black, but lovely."
Song of Solomon
This place is called "Zion" and "the city of David"
What was the theme & verse for the family camp 2020?
Holy Spirit, Cme / Joel 2:28
Who turned into a pillar of salt after she looked back to see Sodom and Gomorrah burn to the ground?
Lot's Wife
Who announced to Zachariah that his wife would bear a child? And what was the name of the child?
Angel Gabriel/John the Baptist
Jesus fed thousands of people with this
5 Loaves and 2 fishes (a boy's lunch)
This book has the shortest verse in the Bible
The Gospel of John
What river was Moses found in as a baby, floating in a basket?
What happened on June 14, 2019?
Joseph the Dreamer Musical
What is the name of the wood Noah used in building his ark?
Who paved the way for Jesus' earthly ministry by calling for all to repent
John the Baptist
How many baskets were left on bread after feeding the 5000?
12 Baskets Full
This book tells the story of Sampson
where did Abraham take Isaac to be sacrificed?
Mountain in Moriah
What is the theme verse for Lastshift?
Romans 12:1-2
When Esau gave up his birth rate for stew what type of stew was it
Lentil stew
King Herod promised this to his daughter on his birthday
John the Baptist's head
What are the 12 Tribes?
This book of the bible (Revelations) was written by
John the Beloved
My footprints can be easily seen in the sands of River Nile, Midian and the Red Sea. Who am I?
What are the 7 Feasts?
Feast of Passover
Feast of Unleavened Bread
Feast of Firstfruits
Feast of the Harvest/Pentecost
Feast of Trumpets
the Day of Atonement
the Feast of Tabernacles.