What was written on the first tablet?
the 10 Commandments
The 4 gospels giving account to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
This disciple walked on water with Jesus
This book contains 150 songs
Name this hymn (#5 vol 1)
It is well with my soul
Fought Goliath and won
Who was the wisest King in the bible
He climbed a tree to see Jesus
Jesus fed 5,000 people with what?
2 fish and 5 loaves
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ
Name that hymn (#1 vol 2)
Blessed Assurance
Helped save the Hebrews from destruction, being a Hebrew herself, because of her unique position in the kingdom.
Queen Esther
Father of the Faith
I paved the way for Jesus' earthly ministry by calling for all to repent
John the Baptist
The illness that the man had who was lowered through the roof to be healed by Jesus
He was Paralyzed
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me
finish this verse:
victory was given me when I born again, he washed _____________________________________.
my stained and sinful past and put new life within.
Liar, deceiver, enemy of our soul, prince of the air
King David's son that tried to overthrow him
The Apostle Paul was from this city
He was raised from the dead by Jesus
This book has the shortest verse in the Bible
DBL PTS - what is it?
The Gospel of John
Jesus wept (Jn 11:35)
finish this verse:
If your backs against the wall and you feel all hope is gone, If you often ask yourself, is there a reason to go on, well he looks beyond your _________________, _______________________, so just forget about your past and praise the Lord your free at last.
guilt and shame, you see his mercy it takes the blame
Son of Adam and Eve. Killed his brother.
Who was the successor to Moses that led the Israelites into the Promise Land?
I wrote the book of Acts
Peter cut this off of one of the men arresting Jesus. Jesus restored it.
His ear
This book tells the story of the kinsman redeemer
My name is in the book of Life, Oh, bless the name of Jesus; __________________________, And read my title clear.
I rise above all doubt and strife
Born in Bethlehem. Savior of Isreal.
On what day was man created
The 6th day.
The last word in the entire bible
This man was bound in chains and fetters and lived among the tombs.
The maniac of Gadara
This book pertains to Creation
David sang the praises of the glory of Jehovah
Paul preached that all is loss save knowing Christ
Little John said He is precious by leaning on His bosom
So for a moment may I humbly testify
Did I mention
A Pharisee coverted on the road to Damascus who went on to become an apostle of Christ and wrote 13 books in New Testament