Into the Land They Came
His Lot in Life
Crown and Sword
Like the Stars of Heaven
Abram, God's Chosen

This man was told by God to leave all he had known behind and go to a land that God would show him.

Who is Abram/Abraham? [Genesis 12:1]


Abram and Lot are ultimately unable to live together because of this.

What is they had too much wealth/the land could not bear them? [Genesis 13:1-2, 5-6]


The war recorded in Genesis 14 was a conflict involving a total of this many kings.

What is 9? [Genesis 14:1-2, 8-9]


In Genesis 13:16, God promises to make Abram's descendants as numerous as this uncountable thing.

What is the dust of the earth? [Genesis 13:16]


Before entering Egypt, in an attempt to save his own life on account of her beauty, Abram asks his wife Sarai to say this about their relationship.

What is they are siblings/she is his sister? [Genesis 12:10-14]


Abram decides to leave Canaan and travel to Egypt because of this reason.

What is a famine in the land (of Canaan)? [Genesis 12:10]


When strife between their herdsmen breaks out, Abram makes this offer to his nephew Lot.

What is first choice of where to live in the land/to allow Lot to choose first where to live and then to go in the opposite direction? [Genesis 13:6-13]


During the war of Genesis 14, Chedorlaomer of Elam was the leader of a confederacy of this many kings.

What is 4? [Genesis 14:1, 8-9]


In Genesis 15:5, God takes Abram outside and challenges him to count these if he is able, promising to make his offspring as numerous as they are.

What are the stars? [Genesis 15:5]


These two persons are specifically named and mentioned as accompanying Abram into the land of Canaan.

Who are Sarai/Sarah (his wife) and Lot (his brother's son/nephew)? [Genesis 12:5]


Abram obeyed God and left Haran to travel to the land of Canaan at this age.

What is 75 years old? [Genesis 12:4]


This brother of Abram is Lot's father, and dies earlier in the land of Ur of the Chaldees according to Genesis 11. 

Who is Haran? [Genesis 11:27-28]


The war of the kings was fought in this location.

What is the Vale/Valley of Siddim? [Genesis 14:1-3, 8-10]


In Genesis 15:13, God foretells that Abram's offspring will sojourn and suffer in a land not their own for this long.

What is 400 years? [Genesis 15:13-14]


In Genesis 13:14-15, after his separation from Lot, God reiterates this promise that had already been made to Abram in Genesis 12:7 regarding the land of Canaan.

What is the land would be given to Abram's seed forever? [Genesis 13:14-15]


In Genesis 12:2, God's first promise is to make this of Abram.

What is a great nation? [Genesis 12:2]


When Abram and Lot part ways, Lot chooses to live in the vicinity of this well-known city.

What is Sodom? [Genesis 13:12]


This notable man is the king of Salem and is described as the priest of the Most High God. He meets Abram after his successful pursuit and blesses him.

Who is Melchizedek? [Genesis 14:18-20]


In his childlessness, Abram fears that this man, the steward of his house, will be his heir upon his death.

Who is Eliezer of Damascus? [Genesis 15:2-3]


Originating from the patriarch Eber (Genesis 10:25; 11:14-17), the name "Hebrew" appears for the first time in Scripture referring to Abram in the 13th verse of this chapter of Genesis.

What is chapter 14? [Genesis 14:13]


The famous Blessing of Abraham, as spoken by God Himself, appears for the first time in these 2 verses of Genesis 12.

What are verses 2-3? [Genesis 12:2-3]


In a notable act of ominous foreshadowing, Genesis 13:13 describes the people of a certain city in this way to show that Lot's decision to live by them was not a wise one.

What is they (the people of Sodom) were wicked and great sinners in the sight of God? [Genesis 13:13]


Upon hearing that Lot is taken captive during the war, Abram sets off in pursuit with this many armed servants from his own household.

What is 318? [Genesis 14:11-14]


God seals His promise to Abram with a solemn ceremony where He causes these two things to pass between the sacrifices on behalf of Himself and an incapacitated Abram.

What is a smoking furnace/pot and a burning lamp/torch? [Genesis 15:7-12, 17-18]


The iconic Genesis 15:6 offers a ringing endorsement of Abram's greatest attribute--his faith--by famously saying this about him in relation to God.

What is Abram believed God and God counted it to him for righteousness? [Genesis 15:6]
