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Divine Design
The Promised Seed
Ageing Covenant

Her inability to have children causes Sarai to propose this idea to her husband, which he agrees to.

What is to make Hagar his secondary wife (concubine) and have children by her instead? [Genesis 16:1-3]


This concubine of Abram bears him his firstborn son.

Who is Hagar? [Genesis 16:15-16]


In Genesis 17:1 Abraham is this old when God comes to talk to him.

What is 99 years old? [Genesis 17:1]


God promises Sarah will give birth to the promised seed within this time frame of His conversation with Abraham in Genesis 17.

What is a year? [Genesis 17:21]


As part of His covenant with Abraham in Genesis 17, God promises to give him and his descendants the land of Canaan for this long.

What is forever? [Genesis 17:7-8]


Hagar has this reaction when she realizes she is pregnant with Abram's child.

What is she starts to disrespect Sarai/despise Sarai/have contempt for Sarai? [Genesis 16:3-5]


She is betrayed by her handmaid after granting her the ultimate promotion.

Who is Sarai/Sarah? [Genesis 16:3-5]


God institutes this procedure as the everlasting symbol of His covenant with Abraham, to be carried out among all male descendants forever.

What is circumcision? [Genesis 17:9-14]


In answer to Abraham's prayer, God promises to bless this son, making him fruitful, a great nation and the father of 12 princes.

Who is Ishmael? [Genesis 17:20]


This is Abraham's age when he gets circumcised in obedience to God's covenant.

What is 99 years old? [Genesis 17:24]


A frustrated and distressed Sarai blames this person for her plan to marry off Hagar backfiring. 

Who is Abram? [Genesis 16:4-5]


This is the nationality of Hagar, Sarai's servant.

What is Egyptian? [Genesis 16:1, 3]


When God tells Hagar what to name Ishmael, He explains the meaning of the name by saying this to her.

What is "the Lord hath heard thy affliction" / "God has heard your cry of affliction/distress" / "God has heard your affliction"? [Genesis 16:11]


Abram was this age when Hagar bore him his first son, Ishmael.

What is 86 years old? [Genesis 16:15-16]


This is Ishmael's age when he is circumcised by his father in obedience to God's covenant.

What is 13 years old? [Genesis 17:24-25]


The Angel of the Lord meets a fleeing Hagar and instructs her to do this.

What is return to her mistress Sarai and submit to her? [Genesis 16:7-9]


In describing this yet unborn man, God says "He will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren."

Who is Ishmael? [Genesis 16:11-12]


In this specific verse of Genesis 17, as part of His promise to make her the mother of nations, God changes Sarai's name to Sarah. 

What is verse 15? [Genesis 17:15]


When God promises Abraham a son through Sarah, Abraham's response is to do this, which ironically serves as inspiration for the naming of his son.

What is laugh? [Genesis 17:15-19]


In Genesis 17, when God promises Abraham a child through Sarah, Abraham falls on his face laughing and says this in his heart.

What is "Shall a man that is 100 years old have a son, and shall Sarah who is 90 years old give birth?" [Genesis 17:15-17]

This name is given to the well where a fleeing Hagar receives a visitation from God.

What is "Beer-Lahai-Roi"/"The Well of the Living One Who Sees Me"? [Genesis 16:6-14]


Abram had been living in Canaan for this long when he took Hagar as his secondary wife (concubine).

What is 10 years? [Genesis 16:3]


In this specific verse of Genesis 17, as part of His covenant promise to make him a father of many nations, God changes Abram's name to Abraham.

What is verse 5? [Genesis 17:5]


In this verse of Genesis 17, Isaac, not Ishmael, is explicitly stated by God Himself to be His chosen of the covenant.

What is verse 21? [Genesis 17:21]


God commands Abraham to circumcise all newborn males in his family/household when they are this old.

What is 8 days old? [Genesis 17:10-12]
